CFHT Publications

CFHT list of Refereed Publications [1979-present] and MsC/PhD Thesis.

Criteria for acceptance as a CFHT refereed paper:
A paper must appear in a peer reviewed journal and include results based on observational data obtained at CFHT from PI or Large Programs, on archival data observed originally with CFHT or on data coming from astronomical catalogs build in full or in part with CFHT data.

Please note that technical papers on instruments or papers published using data coming from instruments other than the current or past science instruments (e.g. skyprobe,weather data, etc...) are not included in the dataset.

Proper Acknowledgements for CFHT papers:

Acknowledgement for all MegaPrime non CFHTLS refereed publications:
Asterisk by the author's name to refer to a footnote stating: *Based on observations obtained with MegaPrime/MegaCam, a joint project of CFHT and CEA/DAPNIA, at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. The observations at the CFHT were performed with care and respect from the summit of Maunakea which is a significant cultural and historic site.

Acknowledgement for all CFHTLS refereed publications is as follows:
Asterisk by the author's name to refer to a footnote stating: *Based on observations obtained with MegaPrime/MegaCam, a joint project of CFHT and CEA/DAPNIA, at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. This work is based in part on data products produced at TERAPIX and the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre as part of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, a collaborative project of NRC and CNRS. The observations at the CFHT were performed with care and respect from the summit of Maunakea which is a significant cultural and historic site.

Acknowledgement for all WIRCam publications:
Asterisk by the author's name to refer to a footnote stating: *Based on observations obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. Based on observations obtained with WIRCam, a joint project of CFHT, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, France, at the CFHT. The observations at the CFHT were performed with care and respect from the summit of Maunakea which is a significant cultural and historic site.

Acknowledgement for all ESPaDOnS, SITELLE, and SPIRou publications:
Asterisk by the author's name to refer to a footnote stating: *Based on observations obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. The observations at the CFHT were performed with care and respect from the summit of Maunakea which is a significant cultural and historic site.

Other publications related to CFHT.

Annual reports 2004 - present, giving the current and past state of the observatory.

CFHT's Instruments and Manuals

The arXiv, an enormous repository of scienfific papers.

Photonics Spectra

Physics Today