CFHT ADS libraries
The official lists of CFHT publications are hosted on the
Nasa Astrophysics Data System (ADS).
This library includes all the CFHT papers.
Since 2013, the papers using CFHT data are split in three categories.
- Data obtained at CFHT from PI programs or published by investigators belonging to a Large Programs (LP) team are categorized as Facility papers.
- Papers using archival data observed originally with CFHT are categorized as Archival papers
- Data coming from astronomical catalogs build in full or in part with CFHT data are categorized as Catalog papers
Instrument libraries
These libraries include papers published using data gathered with one of the five operating instruments and the Gemini Remote Access to CFHT ESPaDOnS Spectrograph (GRACES).
CFHTLS and Large Programs libraries.
The libraries below contain the list of papers published using data coming from the CFHTLS or one of the CFHT Large Programs. These libraries are constructed using the Fulltext search capability of ADS. In most cases, the acronym of the program is used as keyword. This method can include papers that are not using data from the LP. If a mistake if found in one of the libraries, please notify the Director of Science Operations (manset at cfht dot hawaii dot edu).