SPIRou Science Verification observations will be performed at the end of the commissioning phase, in the second semester of 2018. The table below presents the selected targets and objectives of the SV program and will be completed over time. The community is welcome to suggest short observations in a variety of targets and objectives. Please send your proposed observations to Claire Moutou, including the following information: target name; RA, DEC, proper motion, H magnitude, spectral type; science goal and short context, SPIRou observing strategy (number of spectra, requested S/N per pixel in H, spectroscopic or polarimetric mode...). Targets visible between August and December are more likely to be selected for observation. Exposure times should not exceed 2h and should be justified (use the log of the ETC ). Suggestions from PhD students are encouraged and most welcome!
The data obtained during SPIRou Science Verification
will be publicly available, when the commissioning is over and the pipeline ready for a public release of the reduced data. The following table gives a description of the SV planned observations.
Target name |
Observation Description |
Spectral type |
Goal SNR/pix in H |
Exposure Time (s) |
Science Objective |
Observation strategy |
GJ 1214 |
Known planet system |
M4.5 |
200 |
900 |
Extract the orbital signal of the planet (K=12m/s, Porb=1.5d) |
Monitoring over a dozen nights, 1-2 visits per night |
v2129 Oph |
T Tauri star |
K5 |
200 |
300 |
Reconstruct the magnetic topology of the star (Prot=8d) |
Monitoring over a dozen nights, 1 visit per night |
EV Lac |
Moderately active M star |
M4 |
400 |
150 |
Monitor the stellar activity RV jitter and magnetic feature (Prot=4.5d) |
Monitoring over a dozen nights, 1 visit per night |
HD 189733 |
Transiting hot Jupiter system |
K2 |
400 |
150 |
Retrieve the Rossiter-McLaughlin RV signal and planet atmosphere |
Observe continuously 4h during and around transit |