System |
Throughput in JHK (1) | 5, 8, 8% |
Peak SNR in 1h on H=11, 3100K star | 100 per pix at 1.65micron |
Magnitude for S/N=10 in 1h (2) | mH=14 |
Magnitude for 2m/s precision in 900s (3) | mH~7.0 |
Thermal background at 2.35 microns | 100 ph/s/A between at 5C |
Sensitivity of the guiding (4) | mH=11 |
On-sky aperture | 1.29" |
Spectrograph |
Wavelength Domain (5) | 0.955-2.515 microns |
Spectral Resolution from calibration lines (6) | 65,000 |
Spectral Resolution from the broadening of stellar spectra (6) | 70,000 |
Pixel size | 2.28 km/s |
Velocimeter |
Radial-velocity accuracy (7) | 12 cm/s (internal) ~2 m/s (on quiet M RV standards) |
Method | spectral calibration: use of simultaneous FP |
Polarimeter |
Polarimetric sensitivity in stellar lines (8) | < 0.003% |
Polarimetric crosstalk (9) | few % |
Detector |
Type | H4RG |
Dimensions | 4k x 4k |
Pixel size | 15 microns |
Red cut-off (50% QE) | 2.45 |
Quantum Efficiency over JHK | > 80% |
Cosmetics (clusters) | < 0.1% bad pixels |
Readout mode | Ramp fitting |
Dark current | 0.018 e-/s |
Readout Noise (CDS) | 12 e- |
Readout Noise (ramps) (10) | 6.5 e- |
Operations |
Overheads | Slew and start guiding (not charged): <90 s charged time per exposure: 28s (spectroscopy) or 35s (polarimetry) |
Number of available hours per night (11) | 7 h (estimate) |
Precipitable water vapour 50% of time (observing airmass) (12) | 2.85 mm |
Precipitable water vapour 80% of time (observing airmass) (12) | 5.40 mm |
Calibrations | RV and telluric standards: ~20 min per night |
# Pipeline processing | |