In addition to serving the community of today's users, CFHT is constantly involved in developing new projects and getting prepared to welcome the instrumentation for tomorrow's astronomy.
Wenaokeao is the new name for the VISION project. Wenaokeao is an
optomechanical interface that will allow installing
SPIRou and ESPaDOnS at the Cassegrain focus of the telescope at the same
time. Thanks to a beam splitter that will separate the near IR and
optical beams without affecting polarization, and relay optics, Wenaokeao
can be used to observe with SPIRou only (no intervening optics), or with
ESPaDOnS only (using relay optics), or with both SPIRou and ESPaDOnS
simultaneously (using the beam splitter).
This project is led by OMP/IRAP in collaboration with CFHT. Funding is
provided by CFHT and CNRS in France. The current project timeline has
all 3 modes integrated at CFHT (hardware assembled and tested,
software integrated, including QSO and Kealahou) in 2025/2026.
A new narrow-band filter covering Halpha is now available on SITELLE, opening new scientific opportunities. This filter increases by a factor of about two both its spectral resolution and sensitivity, and allows the exploration of prime interest science cases in various domains that were previously not within the reach of SITELLE.
The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE) is CFHT’s plan to reimagine our existing facility into a 10-meter class telescope fully dedicated to spectroscopy. For full information regarding MSE, visit the MSE website.
A brief overview in pdf format can be downloaded here
Pathfinder-IFU is a single large format 33×28.5”, fiber-fed integral field unit (IFU) that feeds highly efficient optical spectrographs that provide complete wavelength coverage from 360 nm to 980 nm at a minimum resolving power of ~3000. This system will excel at the characterization of galaxies and other faint, diffuse, or uncertain coordinate objects. Pathfinder-IFU is also the first component of the planned MSE-Pathfinder instrument that will bring a 1000 fiber multi-object (Pathfinder-MOS) optical to infrared spectrograph system to CFHT.
The development of this instrument will depend on community support and funding. A brief overview in pdf format can be downloaded here