Since the videos start at midnight, depending on the phase of the Moon,
the first 10-15 seconds may be dark. The "North" and "South" cameras are movable 'pan-tilt-zoom' cameras.
For operational reasons, the field and direction of view may change without warning.
Additionally, the camera may be periodically obscured by inclement weather such a fog, rain, ice, or snow
throughout the timelapse.
Current images from these cameras can be found on the CFHT Webcams page.
Webcam Timelapse Videos Copyright © 2022-2025 Canada France Hawaii Telescope Corporation.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify these videos under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
Version 1.3, or any later version, published by the Free Software Foundation.
A copy of the license can be found here.
For inquiries, contact