Virtual Observatory: the CFHTLS at CDS
The Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) [1] provides
several products derived from the final CFHTLS release (T0007):
The catalog of observations in VizieR:
two tables (II/317/cfhtls_w, II/317/cfhtls_d),
respectively the Wide survey (fields W1--W4: 35,651,677 sources) and the
Deep survey (fields D1--D4: 2,293,851 sources). This catalog is available
via the well known VizieR catalog service [2] for any Web users and for
"VO compatible tools" such as Aladin [3] or TOPcat [4]. This catalog
has been also integrated in the CDS cross-match service [5] allowing
one to easily correlate data with any other catalog distributed by the CDS.
Ten multi-resolution all-sky previews in Aladin
(one preview per band u*, g', r', i', z')
and per survey (Wide, Deep) and 2 colored multi-resolution all-sky
previews (based on u*+g'+r' bands). Each preview enables one to zoom and pan
into the individual CFHTLS fields (W1-W4 for the Wide survey, and D1-D4
for the Deep survey) combined within a unique global sky (see illustration
below). These multi-resolution all-sky previews can be visualized by
Aladin [3] or other compatible tools. These all-sky previews have been
generated through 9 recursive HEALPix sky tessellations from 52 to 0.2
arcsec pixel angular resolution (HEALPix N-order 3 to 11) using a
bilinear resampling from the original images to the deeper HEALPix grid
(Norder 11). A weighted average based on the distance to the border
has been applied on the pixels localized in the original image overlapping
regions. A pixel from a HEALPix order N is the average value of the 4
corresponding HEALPix pixels of the order N+1. The all-sky previews are
delivered in JPEG encoded tiles (8 bits pixel values - compressed) as
well as in FITS encoded tiles (true pixel values) [6].
[1] Genova F., Egret D. et al., Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 143, 1-7, 2000
"The CDS information hub. On-line services and links at the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg"
[2] Ochsenbein F. et al., Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 143, 23-32, 2000
"The VizieR database of astronomical catalogues."
[3] Bonnarel F., Fernique P. et al., Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 143, 33-40, 2000
"The ALADIN interactive sky atlas. A reference tool for identification of astronomical sources"
[4] Taylor M.B., Vol. 347. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.29
"TOPCAT& STIL: Starlink Table/VOTable Processing Software"
[5] Pineau F.-X.; Boch T. et al., Vol. 442. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2011., p.85
"Efficient and Scalable Cross-Matching of (Very) Large Catalogs"
[6] Fernique P., Oberto A. et al., Vol. 434. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2010., p.163
"Another Way to Explore the Sky: HEALPix Usage in Aladin Full Sky Mode"
CFHTLS all-sky previews available via the Aladin server form. Credit: CDS
From the whole sky view to Messier 101 details in the CFHTLS Wide u* multi-resolution all-sky preview (WIDE-U).
Credit: CDS