Basic Principles
The goal of the "Global Statistics" page is to provide an
up-to-date (on a per run basis) status of the CFHT Legacy Survey in terms of 1) integration time per survey and
per field, 2) image quality, and 3) sky conditions (brightness, airmass and transparency).
The statistics are based only on the validated exposures, this means that after
analysis of the characteristics of the image (image quality, sky background) and
the observing conditions (sky transparency) at CFHT by the QSO coordinator, the
exposure was qualified as fitting within the constraints set by the CFHTLS survey
coordinator, or if slightly out of range for a given parameter, it was still
judged adequate by the CFHT QSO coordinator to match the primary scientific goal
of that survey component (which explains why some exposures with poor image quality
got validated: they still have a value in terms of the time analysis which is a severe
constraint for the Deep and Very Wide surveys).
A validated exposure does not however necessarily mean that the time is accounted for
in the Legacy Survey time budget. Indeed, if some exposures from an Observing Group (OG)
are not all validated, then the OG is not validated and the time not accounted for (QSO
will in consequence try to capture the entire OG again until all its individual exposures
get validated).
QSO has the precise information for inter-connecting the validation of exposures
and in absolute only its statistics should be considered to account for the
survey progress (they can be consulted on
this page). The global statistics based on the validated exposures are however
a good way to follow the collection of useful data gathered for the survey.
These statistics are based exclusively on the exposure catalogs presented and
available on this site. The photometric bootstrapping exposures (Q98) are
not included in these statistics, nor are other calibrations fields (photometry, PSF).
The 3 surveys relative fraction
At the time the CFHT Legacy Survey was designed (in 2001-2002), the relative use of
the global time made available (approximately 450 nights over 5 years) by the three
components was precisely defined in order to reach specific scientific goals:
44% for the Deep survey, 34% for the Wide survey and 22% for the Very Wide survey.
The updated current ratio for the three surveys is simply based on the relative
fraction of total integrated exposure time of validated exposures per survey. Note
that the numbers encompass the survey since its "official start" on May the 30th of
2003 when the instrumental configuration became stable: improved image quality, guiding,
full mosaic.
The Pre-Survey is a shallow mapping in the r' filter of the three Wide survey patches
with large overlaps between frames (180 seconds integration each) and a total sky coverage
half a degree beyond the limits of the Wide patches. This mapping will allow a very precise
anchoring of the Wide survey astrometry. Since the Pre-Survey serves primarily
the Wide survey, its integration time is included in the Wide survey budget and the
total number of hours spent on the Pre-Survey on the "Global Statistics" page is
only informative, i.e. not used independently to build the statistics.
Individual statistics per survey and field
- Field name & Filter
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
The left column entries define the field name and the relevant set of filters for the given survey.
Since there is no field per say on the Very Wide survey, all the exposures for a given filter
are found together in a same set.
- Integration ratio for the given filter
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
This entry simply provides the percentage of the total integration time on
the given field in the given filters versus the other filters on that same
field. Check the page
"Survey Depth's Goals" for an estimation of the expected end ratios.
- Integration time and number of exposures
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
This field provides the total validated integration time (Itime) for the given filter on the
given field. The median integration time per exposure (itime) as obtained by MegaPrime
for that given set is also provided as well as the re-computed number of validated exposures
obtained (Nexp) based on the median integration time (it can differ slightly from the actual
real number of exposures dues to changes in the observing strategy in the course of the survey).
- Image Quality
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
As explained in the pages "Guide to browsing the catalogs" on this site, the image quality is
estimated on the central part of the mosaic (12 CCDs) and on the outer ring (24 CCDs). The image
quality statistics presented here are based on the average of these two measurements, hence it
is an accurate representation of the image quality across the entire image. The following
estimators are proposed: Med = Median, Avg = Average (mean), Min = Minimum, Max = Maximum, Dsp = Dispersion.
- Airmass
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
The average airmass for the set of exposures.
- Sky Background
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
The median sky background in ADU per second for the given filter.
- Sky Transparency
Field Name |
Ratio (%) |
Itime (sec) = itime x Nexp |
Med Avg Min Max Dsp |
A. |
Bkg. |
Ph. |
8.9 = 360 x 89 | 0.87 0.88 0.60 1.28 0.16 | 1.21 | 3.47 | 67 |
The fraction (in percent) of the exposures taken in photometric conditions. For the exposures not
acquired under photometric conditions, a special short exposure (1/10th of the original exposure
time) for photometry bootstrapping is acquired when the sky is clear (Q98 program).