This log is based on the latest information gathered by QSO during the
observation. A entry appears on the log as soon as the exposure has
been acquired, but will appear on this log only when the process will
create it every hour.
The fields Image, RunID, HST Observing Date, Field, RA-DEC-EPCH are
self-explanatory. ExT stands for the Exposure Time, F for the filter,
Airm for the airmass, IQ for the image quality (measured on CCD13),
and SkyB in the sky background in ADU per second.
The four QSO flags (e.g. "A 1 V D") are the flags described on the
Guide to browsing the catalogs page (last four flags in that case).
The main focus of this log goes to the Elixir Real-Time flags (e.g. "A M L R S F D")
and are meant to show the status of each image within the Elixir pipeline. The
first flag "A" means the file has been archived by DADS and can be found in
"/h/archive/current/instrument/megaprime". The second flag "M" means that
the archive deamon has created a link in "/data/kapu/elixir/megaprime" and
this link has been detected by Elixir. The third flag "L" means that the given
image (the link) can be found in "/data/elixir2/rawdir/megacam/ERUNID" with
ERUNID the Elixir Run ID for the current run. The fourth flag
"R" means that the image has been registered in the Elixir database. The fifth
flag "S" means that the image has been successfully analyzed by the image
statistic function. The sixth flag "F" applies only to the Deep and Very Wide
data that need to be processed and pushed to the /data/cfhls disk for the
CFHTLS Real Time Analysis Systems to grab them and do their science, "F"
stands for flattened which means the file has been processed (mask, overscan,
bias, flat-field). The last flat "D" stands for defringed for the i and z band
data that need to have a fringe pattern subtracted.
A "-" on these last tow columns means that this flag is not applicable, either
the file does not have to be fringe corrected [u, g, r data] or that the images
have not been requested for Real Time processing [the Wide survey].
If a process fails along the line, a "X" flags the problem and the
red color is applied to that image.