Table of contents:
Description of the Crosstalks
Until March 2008, WIRCam was affected by three types of cross-talks. We
liberally named them, the "Negative", "Positive" and "Edge" cross-talks. To
better grasp the explanations, familiarity with the hardware involved in reading out the
arrays is recommended. First, figure 1 gives an example of the Negative and
Edge cross-talks.
Figure 1. The Edge and Negative Cross-talks on a Fully Detrended Image.
Caption:The edge cross-talk is seen at right. It gives a 3D
impression and affects only a ring of pixels where the source star has fastest
rate of flux changes. Note how the center of each doughnut remains unaffected.
On the left is an example of negative cross-talk. This is a more serious effect
because it creates a complete doughnut with pixels having negative values and an
amplitude of about 50 adu, regardless of the source brightness. On June 29
2007, the negative crosstalk was understood and fixed in hardware. In March
2008, the edge cross-talk cause was understood and fixed in hardware (for more
detailed, see the WIRCam Changes History web
Figure 2. The Positive Cross-talk on a Fully Detrended Image, After Edge
and Negative Cross-talks Removal.
Caption:The Positive cross-talk is a more classic case where a
doughnut of positive signal appears and is caused by a bright source on a
nearby amplifier. This is limited to a video board and affects only certain
video boards. On the right is a summary of the three cross-talks
caracteristics. The most affected board (video board #3 of extension 4 -- third
from the bottom - pixels y=1025-1536) was modified on June 19 2007. (for more
detailed, see the WIRCam Changes History web
An important note, there is no cross-talk between arrays.
Removal Using the Medamp Technique
The first effort at characterizing and removing the cross-talks made use of
the "Medamp" technique. By this we mean isolating then subtracting what is
common to all 32 amplifiers. This effectively seems to remove the edge and
negative cross-talks which both affect all 32 amplifiers. But it does not
remove the positive crosstalk. Note that the assumption is that the amplitude
of the edge and negative cross-talks is the same ona ll 32 channels. We tried
inconclusively to prove/disprove that assumption. If amplifier-dependant, the
amplitude variations must be less than 10%.
We experimented doing the medamp at various stages of the processing and
found the best results when removing the crosstalk as the very last step, after
sky subtraction. Rigorously, it should actually be the very first step since
crosstalk effects are produced in the very last stages of image generation.
Figure 3. Slicing a Detrended Image into its 32 Amplifiers.
Figure 4. Constructing the "Medamp" Image, 2048x64 Pixels Big.
Figure 5. Subtracting the "Medamp" to the 32 Amplifiers
Figure 6. A Closer Look at a "Medamp" Image
Caption: One can clearly see two types of cross-talks: the negative
and edge cross-talks. The red circles represent on which amplifier can the
source of the cross-talk be found. The Negative cross-talk only occurs when a
bright source is located on the first of the four video boards of a detector.
Edge cross-talk happens for sources located anywhere on the arrays.
A Before/After Example
The before/after results of applying the medamp technique is examplified in
figures 7 and 8 on a detrended image. The technique leaves the positive
cross-talk. One could apply a similar technique (but using only the 8
amplifiers of a videao board) to subtract that positive cross-talk. But this
was not implemented in `I`iwi version 1.
Figure 7. Before |
Figure 8. After |