
Binned Image   [fit-to-window]    [full size]

FITS Header
SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS                                  
BITPIX  =                   16 / Bits per pixel (not applicable)                
NAXIS   =                    0 / No image data with primary header              
EXTEND  =                    T / File contains extensions                       
NEXTEND =                   36 / Number of extensions                           
COMMENT Observation Summary                                                     
COMMENT -------------------                                                     
CMMTOBS = 'N/A     '                                                            
CMMTSEQ = 'DP20[5/20] - Ref + [3.0W 10.0N]'                                     
OBJECT  = 'D3 (Groth)'                                                          
OBSERVER= 'QSO Team'                                                            
PI_NAME = 'Deep_Synoptic CFHTLS'                                                
RUNID   = '03AL01  '                                                            
FILENAME= '696139o '           / Base filename at acquisition                   
DATE    = '2003-03-25T13:51:42.24' / UTC Date of file creation                  
HSTTIME = 'Tue Mar 25 03:54:49 HST 2003' / Local time in Hawaii                 
ORIGIN  = 'CFHT    '           / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope                 
IMAGESWV= 'CFHT DetCom v4.21 (Mar 08 2003)' / Image creation software version   
COMMENT file 696139o, raster FULL, etype OBJECT, etime 180, filter filter_name  
COMMENT  Fully Characterized and Analysed by Elixir @ CFHT                      
COMMENT General Information                                                     
COMMENT -------------------                                                     
COMMENT --------                                                                
DETECTOR= 'MegaCam '                                                            
DETSIZE = '[1:23219,1:19354]'  / Total data pixels in full mosaic               
RASTER  = 'FULL    '                                                            
CCDSUM  = '1 1     '           / Binning factors                                
CCDBIN1 =                    1 / Binning factor along first axis                
CCDBIN2 =                    1 / Binning factor along second axis               
PIXSIZE1=                 13.5 / Pixel size for axis 1 (microns)                
PIXSIZE2=                 13.5 / Pixel size for axis 2 (microns)                
PIXSCAL1=               0.1850 / Pixel scale for axis 1 (arcsec/pixel)          
PIXSCAL2=               0.1850 / Pixel scale for axis 2 (arcsec/pixel)          
CCD     = 'Marconi/EEV CCD42-90'                                                
MAXLIN  =                65535 / Maximum linearity value (ADU)                  
SATURATE=                65535 / Saturation value (ADU)                         
QEPOINTS= '48%@350 86%@450 83%@550 78%@650 62%@750 38%@850 12%@950' / QE%@wavele
CONSWV  = 'Not implemented'    / Controller software DSPID and SERNO versions   
DETSTAT = 'temp_status'        / temp_status_comment                            
DETTEM  =    -133.266683959961 / Temp. Cold Plate (C)                           
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '           / Time System for DATExxxx                       
OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT  '           / Observation/ Exposure type                     
EXPTYPE = 'OBJECT  '           / OBSTYPE is the new name for this               
EXPNUM  =               696139 / CFHT odometer number                           
OBSID   =               696139 / CFHT odometer number                           
EXPTIME =               180.17 / Measured integration time (seconds)            
EXPREQ  =                  180 / Requested integration time (seconds)           
DARKTIME=               180.00 / Dark current time (seconds)                    
NCCDS   =                   36 / Number of devices                              
NAMPS   =                   72 / Number of amplifiers                           
INSTRUME= 'MegaPrime'                                                           
SHUTOPEN=               0.0000 / Shutter blade opening time (msec)              
SHUTCLOS=               0.0000 / Shutter blade closing time (msec)              
FILTER  = 'i.MP9701'           / Name of filter in position                     
FILTERID=                   25 / Holder ID (see also FILTER)                    
QRUNID  = '03AQ02  '           / Q RunID                                        
QOBSERVE= 'Joshua Shapiro'     / Name of Q Observer                             
QCOORD  = 'Nadine Manset'      / Name of Q Coordinator                          
QID     = 30000200000000004740                                                  
QOBSEQID= 10001200000000007765                                                  
QICSEQID= 10001200000000010501                                                  
QOBITER =                    2                                                  
REL_DATE= '2006-05-01T00:00:00' / UTC Release Date                              
DATE-OBS= '2003-03-25'         / Date at start of observation (UTC)             
UTIME   = '13:51:42.24'        / Time at start of observation (UT)              
UTC-OBS = '13:51:42.24'        / Time at start of observation (UTC)             
MJDATE  =        52723.5775722 / Modified Julian Date at start of observation   
MJD-OBS =        52723.5775722 / Modified Julian Date at start of obs.          
SIDTIME = '15:40:17.39'        / Sidereal time at start of observation          
LST-OBS = '15:40:17.39'        / Sidereal time at start of exposure             
EPOCH   =               2000.0 / Equinox of coordinates                         
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Equinox of coordinates                         
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / Coordinate system for equinox (FK4/FK5/GAPPT)  
RA      = '14:19:27.66'        / Object right ascension                         
DEC     = '52:40:51.3'         / Object declination                             
RA_DEG  =            214.86525 / Object right ascension in degrees              
DEC_DEG =            52.680917 / Object declination in degrees                  
CRVAL1  =            214.86525 / WCS Ref value (RA in decimal degrees)          
CRVAL2  =            52.680917 / WCS Ref value (DEC in decimal degrees)         
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / WCS Coordinate type                            
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / WCS Coordinate type                            
GUIEQUIN=               2000.0 / TCS guider equinox                             
GUIRADEC= 'FK5     '           / TCS guider system for equinox                  
GUIRA   = '14:23:35.94'        / TCS guider right ascension                     
GUIDEC  = '20:27:45.8'         / TCS guider declination                         
AIRMASS =                1.242 / Airmass at start of observation                
FOCUSID = 'MegaPrime'          / Telescope focus in use                         
FOCUSPOS=                    2 / Telescope focus encoder readout                
BONANGLE=               0.0000 / Telescope bonnette rotation angle in degrees   
XPROBE  =               0.0000 / Telescope bonnette guide probe X position      
YPROBE  =               0.0000 / Telescope bonnette guide probe Y position      
ZPROBE  =               2.3000 / Telescope bonnette guide probe Z position      
RELHUMID=                10.01 / relative humidity, weathertron                 
TEA2INCH=               0.5700 / temp, air, two inches above fifth floor deg C  
TEA6FOOT=               0.8800 / temp, air, six feet above fifth floor deg C    
TEALOWWS=               -1.870 / temp, air, dome lower ws side deg C            
TEAPMIRE=              0.02000 / temp, air, primary mirror east deg C           
TEAPMIRW=               0.4400 / temp, air, primary mirror west deg C           
TEAPMSPN=               -9.180 / temp, air, primary mirror spigot north deg C   
TEAPMSPS=                9.890 / temp, air, primary mirror spigot south deg C   
TEATOPOP=              -0.2900 / temp, air, dome top opposite ws deg C          
TEATOPWS=              -0.1700 / temp, air, dome top ws side deg C              
TEATRNGE=               0.7600 / temp, air, top ring east deg C                 
TEATRNGW=                1.370 / temp, air, top ring west deg C                 
TEAUMIRE=              -0.1200 / temp, air, under primary mirror east deg C     
TEAWTHRT=                1.760 / temp, air, weathertron deg C                   
TESCONRM=               -6.070 / temp, surface, floor above control room deg C  
TESFELEV=               0.2200 / temp, surface, floor by freight elevatr deg C  
TESPIERN=                9999. / temp, surface, floor by north pier deg C       
TESPIERS=               0.8000 / temp, surface, floor by south pier deg C       
TESPMIRW=              -0.1000 / temp, surface, primary mirror west deg C       
WINDDIR =                158.0 / wind direction (N=0 E=90 S=180 W=270)          
WINDSPED=                11.98 / wind speed, weathertron (knots)                
COMMENT Processing Pipeline                                                     
COMMENT -------------------                                                     
CRUNID  = '03Am02  '           / Elixir camera run ID                           
HISTORY imsplice: FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Tue Mar 25 2003 -  6:10:21   
HISTORY imsplice: Splicing the two readouts (A&B) per CCD into a unique image   
HISTORY imsplice: Splicing results in all detectors as if read from A amplifier 
HISTORY imsplice: NEXTEND keyword updated (/2) = number of CCDs vs. amplifiers  
HISTORY imsplice: EXTNAME keyword becomes `ccdxx` instead of `ampxx`            
HISTORY imsplice: AMPNAME keyword now covers both amplifiers (eg `29a + 29b')   
HISTORY imsplice: keyword {GAIN, RDNOISE, MAXLIN} replaced by two keywords [A,B]
HISTORY imsplice: DATASEC and DETSEC keywords now reflect the entire CCD        
HISTORY imsplice: BIASSEC becomes irrelevant -> replaced by BSECA & BSECB       
HISTORY imsplice: New keywords are ASECA, ASECB, CSECA, CSECB                   
COMMENT Unique detector IDs for MegaCam (North on top, East to the left)        
COMMENT    --------------------------                                           
COMMENT    ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba                                           
COMMENT    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08                                           
COMMENT --------------------------------                                        
COMMENT ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba                                        
COMMENT 36 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 37                                        
COMMENT --------------------------------                                        
COMMENT 38 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 39                                        
COMMENT ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab                                        
COMMENT --------------------------------                                        
COMMENT    27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35                                           
COMMENT    ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab                                           
COMMENT    __________________________                                           
COMMENT The two upper rows of CCDs are flipped, a=A amp, b=B amp                
HISTORY imred: FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Fri Jul 18 2003 - 18:41:45      
COMMENT imred: Elixir / Flips2 flatten.flips                                    
HISTORY imred: Input image:  696139o.fits                                       
HISTORY imred: Output image: 696139p.phu                                        
HISTORY imred: Camera offset correction with overscan level subtraction         
HISTORY imred: Overscan computed in BIASSEC (1 amp) or BSEC[A/B] (dual amp)     
HISTORY imred: Overscan model: 1D median Y axis vector in bias section          
HISTORY imred: Mask bad pixels: * 2003A.mask.0.36.00.fits                       
HISTORY imred: Bias structures: - 03Am02.bias.0.36.00.fits                      
HISTORY imred: Dark current: - 1.00 * 03Am02.dark.300.36.00.fits                
HISTORY imred: Dark frame first corrected by bias (03Am02.bias.0.36.00.fits)    
HISTORY imred: Flat-fielding: / 03Am02.flat.i.36.01.fits                        
IMRED_DT= 'FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Fri Jul 18 2003 - 18:41:45' / Date  
IMRED_IF= '696139o.fits'       / Input file to process by imred                 
IMRED_OF= '696139p.phu'        / Output file resulting from the process by imred
IMRED_MK= '2003A.mask.0.36.00.fits' / Mask of bad pixels (0/1) input file       
IMRED_OV= '1DYMODEL_OVERSCAN'  / Type of overscan level correction              
IMRED_BS= '03Am02.bias.0.36.00.fits' / Bias frame input file                    
IMRED_DK= '03Am02.dark.300.36.00.fits' / Dark frame input file                  
IMRED_DS=               1.0000 / Dark frame scaling factor                      
IMRED_DB=                    T / Dark frame first corrected by bias frame       
IMRED_FF= '03Am02.flat.i.36.01.fits' / Flat-field frame input file              
BZERO   =               32896. / Zero factor                                    
HISTORY imcombred: FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Fri Jul 18 2003 - 18:43:04  
COMMENT imcombred: Elixir Defringing                                            
HISTORY imcombred: Output image: 696139p00.fits (16 bits)                       
HISTORY imcombred: Fringing correction: scaled difference of 2 images           
HISTORY imcombred: Thresholding inputs from 10.00 to 130000.00 ADUs             
HISTORY imcombred: Fringe image correction: mode offsetting + fringe rescaling  
HISTORY imcombred: 696139p00.det 1115 0.551                                     
HISTORY imcombred: 03Am02.fringe.i.36.00.fits[ccd00] 1221 1.000                 
IMCMB_DT= 'FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Fri Jul 18 2003 - 18:43:04' / Date  
IMCMB_AL= 'SD      '           / CCD or SIGMA clipping, Scaled or Weighted Diff 
IMCMB_CA= 'SCALED_DIFFERENCE'  / Combining algorithm on final stack             
IMCMB_LS=                  2.0 / Lower threshold for clipping rejection         
IMCMB_HS=                  2.0 / Lower threshold for clipping rejection         
IMCMB_FT= '03Am02.fringe.i.36.00.fits[ccd00] 0 1221 1.000' / Stacked frame type 
IMCMB_OP= 'MODE_OFFSETING + FRINGE_RESCALING' / Input operations                
IMCMB_NI=                    2 / Number of input files                          
IMCMB_DA=                    F / Dual amplifier A,B (IMCMB_XX list format)      
IMCMB_IF= 'NAME BIAS MODE SCALING' / Input file parameters                      
IMCMB_00= '696139p00.det 0 1115 0.551' / Input file stats                       
IMCMB_01= '03Am02.fringe.i.36.00.fits[ccd00] 0 1221 1.000' / Input file stats   
COMMENT  --------------- Elixir Analysis ---------------                        
COMMENT  Elixir: processing performed @ CFHT, version 2                         
COMMENT  Elixir: version: 2                                                     
COMMENT  Elixir: processing date: Fri Jul 18 18:49:52 2003                      
COMMENT  Elixir: website: http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Instruments/Elixir         
COMMENT  Elixir: email: elixir@cfht.hawaii.edu                                  
COMMENT  Elixir: team: Eugene Magnier & Jean-Charles Cuillandre                 
COMMENT  Elixir: No photometry calibrations for this night & filter             
COMMENT  --------------- Elixir Analysis (end) ---------------                  

Skyprobe Zero-points

Time Filter Zero Point Zero Point Error Airmass Coeff. Sky Flux # Stars in Solution
2003/03/25,13:52:12 SKYPROBE.V 0.0560 0.0060 1.241 216.0 511
2003/03/25,13:53:12 SKYPROBE.V 0.0540 0.0050 1.243 216.0 509
2003/03/25,13:54:12 SKYPROBE.V 0.0450 0.0050 1.245 215.0 504