Science Images
CFHT has provided tapes with all the data taken for this program,
including poor quality exposures. Only good exposures,
(exposure judged to be useful to meet the science goals), are
validated by the QSO Team. Observation Groups (OG) that contain
unvalidated exposures might have been repeated. Please note that
all exposures have an evaluation grade from 1 to 4 indicating our
assesment of the data quality.
These data are not raw exposures. They have been detrended by
Elixir to correct the dark, bias and flat-fielding in the image. We
have adopted the convention that detrended object exposures
will be suffixed with a 'p' indicating that they have been
'processed', instead of an 'o'.The log includes
standard information such as the filename, FITS OBJECT field, FITS CMMTOBS field,
the filter used, and the date of observation. The table also includes QSO and
Elixir information such as the constraints on image quality, and sky brightness
requested during the Phase 2 (PH2), the actual image quality and sky brightness
measured by Elixir, and the evaluation grade assigned to the exposure by the
QSO team.
Column Name | Description |
The runid associated with this exposure. Usually this is the Runid assigned
to your program, but some images (calibration, photometry and detrend)
receive special Queue runids. (Q97= Standard Fields; Q98=Photometry Exposures;
Q99: Detrend Frames)
Filename | The filename of this exposure. |
Type | The type of exposure, whether OBJECT,
Date UTC |
The date the exposure was taken in UTC |
Time UTC | The time the exposure was taken in
PI Name |
The last name of the Principal Investigator of this program |
Name | The information extracted from the FITS OBJECT
field |
Comment | The information extracted from the FITS
CMMTOBS field |
RA | The right ascension of the telescope at the
time of this exposure |
Dec | The declination of the telescope at the time
of this exposure |
Exp Time | The time the shutter was open for this
exposure |
Filter | The filter wheel in position during this
exposure |
Req IQ |
The Image Quality requested by the PI for the Observation Group containing
this exposure |
Req Sky |
The sky background requested by the PI for the Observation Group containing
this exposure |
Req AM |
The worst airmass requested by the PI for the Observation Group containing
this exposure |
Obs IQ |
The actual Image Quality (in arceseconds) of this exposure as measured
by Elixir |
Obs Sky | The background count of this exposure
measured in ADUs/pixel/sec |
Obs AM |
The airmass at the beginning of this exposure |
Phot |
Yes if the sky was photometric at the time of exposure.
No if it wasn't.
QSO Eval |
The evalution grade assigned to this exposure by the QSO Team according
to the following guidelines.
- 1 All the specifications are met within +10%
of the requested values.
- 2 All the specifications are met, but one
might be off by 20% or more.
- 3 Several specifications were not met. The science goals could
by compromised. Observation to be repeated when possible.
- 4 Specifications not met due, for instance, to
a technical problem. Useless for the science
QSO Comment |
A comment, if any, about this exposure from the QSO Team |
Elixir Eval |
The elixir eval is a 5 character string where each character
represents a pass/fail state for an elixir process. Each character
will assume a value of 't' true, 'f' false, or '-' no elixir
evaluation performed. The first character indicates that the data
exists. The second character indicates that detrend data exists. The
third character is reserved for future use. The fourth character
indicates that a photometric solution was found, and the fifth
character indicates that at least seven chips have astrometric
solutions. Most elixir evaluations look like this: tt-tt
Thumbnail |
A binned image of this exposure. Clicking on this will open a new browser
window with a large 10x10 binned jpeg of this exposure. Image is
scaled from .2sigma below the average to 2sigma above the average.
Occasionally, elixir is unable to generate jpegs. |