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Service Observations
The Kealahou K1 Phase 1 Tool tutorial Updated Feb 19, 2025 |
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Table of Contents |
D - Quick Guide to the Components of a Basic Proposal
G - Instrument Configuration Section
A - What is Kealahou [Back to Table of Content]
Kealahou is "The New Way" to conduct Queued Service Observations at CFHT. Users prepare and submit proposals for any of CFHT's five instruments using the Kealahou K1 tool. ESPaDOnS and SPIRou proposals that have been accepted will be transferred to companion tool, the Kealahou K2 Phase 2 Tool, where PI and co-I can prepare the details of the planned observations. MegaCam, WIRCam, and SITELLE PI will continue to use the legacy PH2 Phase 2 Tool to fill in their observations until those instruments get migrated to K2.
B - How to Login to Kealahou [Back to Table of Content]
Returning and current Kealahou Users: If you have previously used Kealahou — either the Kealahou K1 Tool to submit a CFHT observing proposal or the Kealahou K2 Tool to manage a CFHT observing — program, use your existing Kealahou account credentials to login to Kealahou. If you cannot remember your password, CFHT staff cannot retrieve it. Please reset it using the 'Forgot Password' tool. If you cannot remember your username, but have previously used Kealahou, DO NOT create a new account. Please contact phase1 AT cfht.hawaii.edu for assistance.
New Kealahou Users with CFHT PH2 Accounts: If you have never before logged into CFHT's Kealahou site, but have previously utilized CFHT's PH2 Phase 2 Tool, your account details have been migrated to Kealahou. You can sign into Kealahou using your PH2 username. If you cannot remember your password, CFHT staff cannot retrieve it. Please reset it using the 'Forgot Password' tool. If you cannot remember your username, but have previously used PH2, DO NOT create a new Kealahou account. Please contact phase1 AT cfht.hawaii.edu in case you need assistance.
New CFHT/Kealahou Users: If you have never used either CFHT's Kealahou or PH2 sites, please create a new Kealahou account (this includes previous CFHT Northstar users). That can be done so by selecting 'Create Account' on the Kealahou main page. Note that if Kealahou matches the email address provided on the sign-up page, or finds an existing user with the supplied name, a new account will not be created. Please use your existing credentials to access Kealahou. If you feel this is incorrect, or you are unsure what existing credentials exist, please contact phase1 AT cfht.hawaii.edu.
C - Kealahou Top Menu Bar [Back to Table of Content]
The options offered in the top menu bar in Kealahou are:
D - Quick Guide to the Components of a Basic Proposal [Back to Table of Content]
Proposals can be created and managed by using the button "K1: My Proposals" in the top menu bar. Once created, a proposal can be Edited, Duplicated (copied and created with a new Proposal ID), Deleted, and Submitted. Once submitted, a proposal can also be Retracted. Note that duplicated proposals retain the identity of the original PI; it is not possible to assign a different PI to a duplicated proposal.
Any existing proposal will be shown, along with:
To create a new proposal use the button Create New Proposal. The components of a proposal can be added as simple text in text boxes (e.g. Title and Abstract), as a PDF attachment (e.g. Science Justification), or as either (e.g. References). Some of the information is selectable via drop-down menus (e.g. Agency) or checkboxes (e.g. Instrument(s) requested).
The simplest proposal must have:
Optional fields and components include:
Once the required information has been entered and saved in the Summary section, a new section for the instrument configuration will appear at the top, next to the Summary and Targets sections.
Once the requested information has been entered in the Summary section, clicking on the Save button will add sections based on the instrument(s) selected. The Validate button can be used to ensure that all mandatory fields have been entered, and that no error is generated. A PDF version of the proposal can be generated with the View PDF button.
One important note regarding the PDF version of proposals is that some browsers or configurations will cache the PDF and may not show the latest version unless a force reload is done.
E - Summary Section [Back to Table of Content]
Agency: proposals can only be submitted to one agency at a time. To submit the same proposal to multiple agencies, duplicate the original proposal and submit it to each agency separately.
Instrument: a proposal may use 2 or more instruments. Once an instrument has been selected and the information in the Summary section has been saved, a new section will appear at the top for each instrument selected.
Type of Proposal: most proposals are Regular proposals. Snapshot proposals must request poor sky conditions, including IQ>1.2" for all instruments, and extinction. ToO Target-of-Opportunity proposals will include the same information as a Regular proposal except for targets, which are not known at the time of the proposal.
The Title (maximum: 250 characters) and Abstract (maximum: 3000 characters) are entered as text in the text box. Do not use Latex markup. A warning will be issued if the content is too long.
Only one Science Topic is accepted per proposal.
The Science Justification and Technical Justification are uploaded as separate PDF files. Each PDF file is limited to 30 MB. Science Justifications are limited to 3 pages, except for Canada (limit of 2 pages). Technical Justifications are limited to 2 pages, except for Canada (limit of 1 page). Figures may be included in either or both Justifications.
A list of References, Previous Allocations, and Related Proposals may be added in the text boxes or as PDF files.
The Save button saves the information and adds section(s)s based on the instrument(s) selected. The Validate button is used to check if all mandatory fields have been entered. The View PDF button creates the PDF version of the whole proposal.
F - Targets Section [Back to Table of Content]
To add a target in the Targets section, click on "Add New +" and enter the target name. If desired, the Resolve Target button will fetch the coordinates (2000.0). The proper motion, V magnitude, and H magnitude are also added if found. If the information is correct, Link Target will add the information to the table of targets.
Custom fields or targets can be entered manually.
The requested time per target is entered in seconds, along with the desired SNR goal. The information will be used by CFHT staff members to verify the exposure times requested. Note that the actual total time requested for the whole proposal is entered separately.
If the target is associated with an exoplanet transit or a time constrained observation, the information can be entered by using Add Transit.
G - Instrument Configuration Section [Back to Table of Content]
The Time requested, ETC example, instrument configuration, and sky constraints are entered in this section.
The total requested time must include the exposure time plus the overheads.
For MegaCam, the overheads are 40s per exposure.
For WIRCam, the overheads depend on the complexity of the observations:
For ESPaDOnS, the overheads depend on the readout speed selected for each exposure: fast (20 sec), normal (20 sec), slow (33 sec).
For SITELLE, the overheads are 3.8 seconds per step of the cube (or, per exposure).
For SPIRou, the overheads are 28s per exposure in spectroscopic mode, or 35s per exposure in polarimetric mode.
The Exposure Time Calculators for all 5 instruments are available from etc.cfht.hawaii.edu . Proposals must include at least one example of an ETC calculation, by copy-pasting the few lines of output produced when using the Log button in the ETC. Here are examples of ETC calculations for MegaCam, WIRCam, ESPaDOnS, SITELLE, SPIRou.
This is used to perform technical reviews of all proposals and verify the total time requested.
The instrument configuration and sky conditions options are determined by the instrument selected.
H - Collaborators Section [Back to Table of Content]
Proposal Collaboration makes is possible for multiple users to view and edit a K1 Observing Proposal. This is facilitated through an invitation system which can link multiple Kealahou users to a single K1 proposal, granting them the same viewing and most* editing and administrative privileges as the proposal creator (also known as the 'PI').
Potential collaborators can be invited to join the observing proposal using K1's built-in invite system. To issue an invite to a potential collaborator, enter their email address into the "Email Address" field, and press Send Invite. Note that only the proposal PI (the creator of the proposal) can issue invites to potential collaborators. Collaborators that accept invitations cannot subsequently invite other collaborators.
Upon pressing Send Invite, the email address provided, and, potentially, the account information of the invitee, will appear in the "Collaborator Invites" list, marked with the status 'Pending' (see FAQ below for more information on why or why not account information appears). This listing will show in the list with the status and the button, Retract Invite. This button allows the PI to retract the invitation. The invitee will be notified that the invitation has been retracted, and the original invite link they received will be inactivated. This action is final. A new invitation will need to be issued for them to rejoin.
To notify the invitee, K1 will generate a unique invite link, and send that to the invitee in a form email that includes the name of the PI, and instructions on how to accept or decline the invite. An example of that email is below:
As noted in the email, in order to accept the invitation to collaborate on a proposal, a user must have an existing Kealahou account. Users that do not have Kealahou accounts must create them before they can accept proposal collaboration invitations. See the section above, How to Login to Kealahou for more information on logging into and creating accounts for Kealahou.
Kealahou users can respond to the collaboration invitation by clicking the provided unique link in the invitation email. This link will direct them to the Kealahou site, where they should click Accept Invite if they would like to accept the invitation, or Decline Invite if they do not wish to collaborate on the proposal (see below, left). Note that only one response can be recorded for each invitation. If the email link is pressed after the invite has responded to, a message noting this will appear (see below, right).
If the invitee presses Accept Invite, the PI will see their listing move from the "Collaborator Invites" list to the "Accepted Collaborators" list. This invitee is now a collaborator. If the invitee presses Decline Invite, the PI will see their listing remain in the "Collaborator Invites" list, but the status will show as "Declined". These declined invitations are visible only to the PI. They are not shown on the downloadable PDF version of the proposal, like Accepted and Pending invites.
The invitee selection will complete the invitation process, and, if they accepted the invite, the proposal will now be viewable and editable to both the PI and the collaborator. The collaborator's account information will now be displayed in the "Accepted Collaborators" list, and status will change to 'Accepted'. Note that collaboration invitations can be accepted after the proposal has been submitted, however, CFHT cannot guarantee that collaborators who accept invitations after proposal submission will appear in the list of collaborators provided to the agency responsible for reviewing the submission.
Finally, this process can be repeated to invite multiple collaborators.
If at any time after a collaborator has accepted an invitation, and the PI decides that this collaborator should no longer be a part of the observing proposal, they can remove the collaborator by pressing the Remove Collaborator button beside their listing in the "Accepted Collaborators" list. This action is final. A new invitation will need to be issued for them to rejoin.
* Note: Some editing and administrative privileges are restricted to the PI only. This includes
I've sent invites to multiple people, but for some only their email addresses appear in Collaborator Invites list! Why?
Only invitees who have Kealahou accounts, where the email address provided for the invitation matches the email address listed in the user's Kealahou account, will have their name, institute and country displayed in the Collaborator Invites list. Invitees where the email address provided for the invitation is different than the one listed in their Kealahou account, or who do not have Kealahou accounts at all will only have their email address listed.
Does this mean I need to know the email address listed on the Kealahou account before I can send them an invite?
No. The email address is only to facilitate delivery of the invitation. The invitee will accept the invitation using their Kealahou account (if they don't have one, they will need to create one). If they have a different email address associated with their Kealahou account, the email address in the Accepted Collaborators list will update upon acceptance of the invitation.
Why are some collaborators listed as 'Pending' or 'Declined', while others are listed as 'Accepted'?
Collaborators listed as 'Pending' have not accepted the invitation, and as a result, cannot view or edit the proposal, nor have they explicitly consented to having their name on the proposal. Users listed as 'Accepted' can view and edit the proposal, and through acceptance of the invitation, have explicitly consented to have their name on the proposal. Users listed as 'Declined' have decided not to collaborate on the proposal, and thus will not be able to view or edit the proposal. Declining an invitation is also considered explicitly withholding consent to have their name on the proposal, and as a result, they will not be listed on the proposal.
Can I (the PI) add the name, institute, and country for invitees who have not accepted the invitation?
No. Encourage them to sign up for a Kealahou account to accept the invitation. After they do, their information will appear in the collaborators list.
Can I (the PI) edit the name, email address, institute, or country for my accepted or pending collaborators?
No. The information displayed is pulled from the user account of the collaborator. This information is only editable by the collaborator themselves. If you see an issue with the information for a collaborator, ask them to log in to their Kealahou account and update their account information.
How can I know if an invite has been sent to a potential collaborator?
They will be listed in the Collaborator Invites list with 'Pending' written beside their email address. Additionally, if an invite is attempted to an email address that has already received an invite, the red message "Error sending invite: invite already exists" will appear at the bottom of the screen. (A green "Invite sent!" message will appear otherwise). Both are shown below.
Kealahou tells me that an invite has been sent, and I see 'Pending' beside their address, but the potential collaborator hasn't responded. Why not?
Sometimes automated emails such as the one above are caught in spam or junk email filters. Follow up with potential collaborator to ensure they received the message, and knew to respond to it. Additionally, there may have been a typo in the email address provided. Check the address to ensure it was typed correctly.
My collaborator received the invite, but is having trouble accepting the invitation! How can I help them?
Advise them to reach out to CFHT directly. We will assist them with the issue they are experiencing.
Me and/or my potential collaborators are confused! Help!
Contact CFHT. We're here to help and we'll get it sorted out! :)
I - Final Submission [Back to Table of Content]
When ready to submit, return to the My Proposals page and click submit. A confirmation is requested for the Agency, semester, and type of proposal. The submission will not proceed if mandatory fields are missing.Once a proposal has been submitted, it is possible to retract it, make modifications, and re-submit it.
Kealahou does not yet send email notifications once a proposal has been submitted. To retrieve the PDF version of the submitted proposal, use the "View" button in Kealahou K1, and the "View PDF" button at the bottom of the Summary page. The final proposal ID will be shown (e.g. 23AF007).
One important note regarding the PDF version of proposals is that some browsers or configurations will cache the PDF and may not show the latest version unless a force reload is done.
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Need More Information? Contact the QSO Team at qsoteam -=at=- cfht.hawaii.edu |
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