SITELLE QSO programs for 2023B

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
23BC18 Barmby Regular 20.2 A Andromeda's Dust And Gas - the Ionised Observations (ADAGIO)
23BC04 Duarte Puertas Regular 20.0 B Disentangling the intergalactic Ha emitting regions in Hickson compact groups with SITELLE
23BC06 Suherli Regular 11.4 B Using SITELLE to Probe the Missing Shell in the Crab Nebula
23BC14 Lu Regular 5.5 B What causes star formation suppression in galaxy bulges?
23BF15 Nesvadba Regular 6.0 A (How) Do low-power radio jets impact star formation in their host galaxies?
23BF13 Madden Regular 10.1 B Andromeda Dust And Gas - the Ionised Observations (ADAGIO)
23BF06 Russeil Regular 17.5 C Multi-ionic study of HII regions to characterize the ionising gas - photodissociation region interaction
23BS03 Li Regular 5.2 A Smoking Gun of A kpc-scale Outflow in the Disk of M31?
23BS09 Chi Regular 6.5 B Optical Spatial Spectroscopy on Hypernova Remnant Candidate BA 1-23
23BS10 Li Regular 5.65 B Large FoV IFS on UGC1382 as a case study of quenched but HI-rich galaxies
23BS04 Zhou Regular 4.8 C The bars in the interacting pair of late-type galaxies NGC 672 and IC 1727