RUNID | PI Name | Prg Type | I-time (h) | Grade | Title |
21AF05 | Nesvadba | Regular | 6.7 | A | NIR probes of shocks and star formation in a giant spiral radio galaxy |
21AF06 | Jablonka | Regular | 3.7 | B | Large Scale Structures around medium mass galaxy clusters at intermediate redshift |
21AF15 | Antier | Regular | 6.0 | B | CFHT optical and near-infrared follow-up of kilonovae candidates |
21AF21 | Montillaud | Regular | 4.5 | B | Characterization of a massive clump at the intersection of colliding filaments |
21AF10 | Arnouts | Regular | 16.0 | C | Secure NIR observations for the upcoming PFS deep survey |
21AF98 | Puzia | Regular | 3.7 | C | One mass to rule them all? -- GC systems in spiral galaxies with precise central black hole masses |
21AH08 | Do | Regular | 0.3 | A | Supernovae, peculiar velocities and dark matter |
21AH21 | Zhang | Regular | 9.0 | A | COCONUTS: COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbiTS |
21AH35 | Liu | Regular | 11.3 | B | Completing the CFHT infrared parallax large program |
21AH92 | Liu | Regular | 6.0 | B | Extending dynamical masses to the planetary-mass regime |
21AH99 | Zhang | Regular | 3.0 | B | COCONUTS: COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbiTS |
21AH87 | Liu | Regular | 3.0 | C | Completing the CFHT infrared parallax large program |
21AH90 | Liu | Regular | 3.0 | C | Extending dynamical masses to the planetary-mass regime |
21AH91 | Cowie | Regular | 15.0 | C | Finishing off HEROES |
21AO38 | Heidt | Regular | 2.5 | B | Constraining Fast Radio Burst progenitor models |
21AS06 | Cai | Regular | 18.0 | A | The Near-Infrared (NIR) Imaging Follow-up for Subaru/HSC and Subaru/PFS Surveys |
21AT05 | Lin | Regular | 6.0 | A | DeepCos: a near-IR survey over the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam deep fields III |