MEGACAM QSO programs for 2021A

Note: Clarification on C programs

RUNID PI Name Prg Type I-time (h) Grade Title
21AC13 Lawler Regular 9.0 A Kozai plutino orbits: a clue to Kuiper Belt formation
21AC36 Ashton Regular 6.0 A Tracking newly-discovered irregular moons
21AC08 Roediger Regular 12.3 B A Deep PN Survey of the Virgo Cluster with MegaCam Print view
21AC27 Hall Regular 29.7 B Photometric Monitoring for a Multi-Object AGN Reverberation Mapping Campaign in SDSS-V
21AC30 Bhardwaj Regular 4.4 B Identify Plausible Hosts of Nearby Fast Radio Bursts
21AC28 Chapman Regular 13.1 C MIRACLES: Mapping of Ionizing RAdiation on the Cosmic web with Ly-alpha Emission and Shadow: U-band imaging of the SSA22 protocluster
21AF13 Carry Regular 4.0 A Characterising the asteroid Didymos, target of NASA/DART and ESA/HERA space missions
21AF99 Carry Regular 8.0 B Characterising the asteroid Didymos, target of NASA/DART and ESA/HERA space missions
21AF03 Puzia Regular 4.0 C One mass to rule them all? -- GC systems in spiral galaxies with precise central black hole masses
21AF12 Martin Snapshot 67.0 S Pushing Galactic Archaeology to its limits with CFHT: Mapping the PRISTINE Galaxy
21AH19 Wainscoat Regular 25.0 A Rapid follow-up of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
21AH28 Kleyna Regular 0.5 A Characterization of interesting solar system objects discovered by UH surveys
21AH09 van Saders Regular 15.0 B Old clusters for a new spin on M dwarf gyrochronology
21AH16 Zalesky Regular 20.0 B The frontiers of galaxy evolution in the North ecliptic pole
21AH30 Bufanda Regular 6.3 B Volatile vehicles to past: characterizing the activity of long-period comets
21AH33 Cowie Regular 9.51 B Finishing off HEROES
21AH34 Tholen Regular 8.0 B Observations of near-Earth objects
21AH41 Meech Regular 6.6 B Solar system dynamical models: small body observations with JWST
21AH93 Meech Regular 3.0 C Solar system dynamical models: small body observations with JWST
21AH94 Tholen Regular 7.4 C Observations of near-Earth objects
21AH95 van Saders Regular 5.0 C Old clusters for a new spin on M dwarf gyrochronology
21AH96 Kleyna Regular 2.5 C Characterization of interesting solar system objects discovered by UH surveys
21AH97 Wainscoat Regular 10.0 C Rapid follow-up of important solar system discoveries from Pan-STARRS
21AH98 Cowie Regular 0.98 C Finishing off HEROES
21AO30 Ferguson Regular 3.3 B A Search for Remote Globular Clusters in the M81 Group
21AP30 Cuillandre Regular 94.16 A CFIS
21AP31 Boselli Regular 112.75 A VESTIGE
21AS05 Shi Regular 4.95 A Characterizing the environmental dependence of galaxy mass assembly at cosmic noon
21AT04 Chen Regular 5.4 A Kozai plutino orbits: a clue to Kuiper Belt formation