RUNID | PI Name | Prg Type | I-time (h) | Grade | Title |
19BC13 | Barmby | Regular | 10.0 | A | Metallicity and ionized gas in a massive spiral galaxy |
19BC21 | Milisavljevic | Regular | 11.2 | A | 3D Reconstruction of the Crab Nebula with SITELLE |
19BC04 | Hlavacek-Larrondo | Regular | 4.0 | B | Novel Observations of Brightest Cluster Galaxies with the CFHT |
19BC12 | Robert | Regular | 4.5 | C | The M86 SITELLE survey: where galaxies halos meet the cluster space |
19BC17 | Yee | Regular | 20.0 | C | Panoramic View of Star Formation in Rich Galaxy Clusters |
19BC24 | Joncas | Regular | 15.0 | C | Thermodynamics of HII regions: Orion |
19BF27 | Longobardi | Regular | 6.0 | A | The M86 SITELLE survey: where galaxies halos meet the cluster space |
19BP41 | Rousseau-Nepton | Regular | 38.2 | A | SIGNALS |
19BT07 | Hsieh | Regular | 4.0 | A | Copy of The Emission-line Galaxy Population in Rich Galaxy Clusters |