RUNID | PI name | Prg Type | I-time (hrs) |
Grade | Title |
09BC22 | Gallagher | Regular | 7.7 | C | Constructing
K-band Galaxy Luminosity Functions for 13 Hickson Compact
Groups |
09BC23 | Croll | Regular | 16 | A | Multi-wavelength
near-infrared thermal emission of the extremely hot exoplanet
WASP-12b |
09BC25 | Bouchard | Regular | 12.5 | C | Studying
Cloud Patterns of the T2.5 Brown Dwarf SIMP0136+0933 |
09BC26 | Puzia | Regular | 18 | A | The
Next Generation Virgo Survey -- Infrared: $K_s$-Band Observations of the
Central 4 deg$^2$ |
09BC27 | Radigan | Regular | 28 | B | Toward
Understanding Cloud Clearing in Substellar Atmospheres: A J-band
Monitoring Program for Weather-Induced Photometric Variability on
T-dwarfs |
09BC29 | Sick | Regular | 10.7 | B | Near-Infrared
Imaging and Stellar Populations of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) |
09BC32 | Albert | Regular | 6.6 | B | Searching
for ultracool brown dwarfs - a WIRCam extension to the Canada-France
Brown Dwarfs Survey |
09BC33 | Laesker | Regular | 2.2 | A | Supermassive
Black Holes and Host Galaxies: A Fundamental Relation
Revisited. |
09BC99 | Albert | Regular | 8.4 | C | Searching
for ultracool brown dwarfs - a WIRCam extension to the Canada-France
Brown Dwarfs Survey |
09BF03 | Alves de
Oliveira | Regular | 12.8 | B | Synoptic
Monitoring of the Orion Nebula Cluster with CFHT and Spitzer |
09BF08 | Gotz | Regular | 2 | B | Studying
the host galaxy of GRB 041219A |
09BF12 | Sing | Regular | 10 | B | Detecting
Thermal Emission from the Very-Hot Jupiter Corot-1b: Measuring an
Exoplanet's Temperature and Atmospheric Structure |
09BF14 | Ibata | Regular | 8.7 | A | Globular
cluster systems of nearby edge-on spirals (WIRCAM) |
09BF16 | Lehnert | Regular | 11 | B | Completing
the Program to Determine the Physical Characteristics of the Earliest
Galaxies |
09BF22 | Lancon | Regular | 18 | A | The
Next Generation Virgo Survey -- Infrared $K_s$--Band Observatotions of
the Central 4deg$^2$ |
09BF25 | Vergani | Regular | 7 | C | Identification
of the foreground strong absorbers along GRB lines of sight using the
photometric redshift technique |
09BF27 | Forveille | Regular | 15 | C | Searching
for ultracool brown dwarfs - a WIRCam extension to the Canada-France
Brown Dwarfs Survey |
09BF50 | Bouvier | Regular | 12 | A | Isolated
Planetary Mass Objects (IPMOS) : nearing the end of the IMF |
09BH24 | Liu | Regular | 10 | A | Extreme
Brown Dwarfs |
09BH30 | Dupuy | Regular | 16.9 | A | Dynamical
Masses of Brown Dwarfs and Low-Mass Stars |
| Sanders | Regular | 12.25 | B | Hawaii
Imaging/Spectroscopy of the HST-ACS COSMOS 2-deg2 Treasury
Field |
09BH52 | Tully | Regular | 10.5 | B | Near-Infrared
Imaging of the Andromeda Spiral Galaxy (M31) |
09BH96 | Liu | Regular | 8.7 | C | Extreme
Brown Dwarfs |
09BH97 | Liu | Regular | 10 | B | Extreme
Brown Dwarfs |
09BH98 | Sanders | Regular | 12.75 | C | Hawaii
Imaging/Spectroscopy of the HST-ACS COSMOS 2-deg2 Treasury
Field |
09BT05 | Wang | Regular | 20 | A | Ks-Band
Legacy Survey in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South |
09BT06 | Lin | Regular | 9.4 | B | Environment
of Galaxy Mergers at z = 1 |
09BT98 | Lin | Regular | 9.4 | C | Environment
of Galaxy Mergers at z = 1 |