North Hawaii News Articles from CFHT
Astronomical Distances - Tentative First Steps
It is a funny fact in astronomy that one of the most difficult
measurements to make is something that seems trivial: the distance to
a star. Astronomers can easily measure the temperature of a star, the
chemical composition, the velocity of a star (at least in one
direction), even the amount of methane between us and the star --
these are all pretty easy and accurate. But the distance is
difficult. We all know how to measure a distance: just place a ruler
down and look at the tick marks. When you can't reach a star, it is
not so easy.
After many years of work, we are now able to measure distances to
objects billions of times further away than the nearest star, which is
in turn almost a million times further away than the Sun. Getting to
this point has been a long (very long!) effort, with many important
intermediate steps along the way. The history of these discoveries is
largely the history of Astronomy itself.
Astronomers use many different types of measurements to determine
distances to celestial objects, depending on the how far the object
is. We talk about the 'distance ladder' because we use measurements
to nearby objects to get the distance to further objects. Then we use
the distance to the distant objects to get even further ones. The
entire process is just a bit too complex for a single article, so I'll
split the ladder in pieces. In this week's article, I'll talk about
the first steps of measuring astronomical distances. In the next
article, I'll talk about the race to find the distance to the planets
and the closest stars. Finally, I'll talk about bridging the gap from
the nearest stars to the most distant galaxies.
Let's start with the easiest measurement: the size of the Earth. High
school science text books sometimes mention Eratostheses as the first
person to make a good measurement of the Earth's diameter.
Eratosthenes was the librarian of the great Library of Alexandria
around 250 BC. He had access to one of the largest collections of
knowledge ever available up to that time (sort of like an early World
Wide Web...).
While reading in the library, Eratosthenes discovered that, on a
certain day in the year, the sun was directly overhead Syene, a city
in the far south of Egypt. He knew the distance to Syene from other
books in the library. By measuring the angle of the sun in Alexandria
on the right day, he found that the Earth is about 7850 miles in
diameter, very close to our modern number of 7900 miles. To be fair,
Eratosthenes was not the first to try this measurement. The concept
of a round Earth had been around for 200 years; Aristotle and other
Greeks tried the same trick using stars, but they never got a very
accurate number.
Not long after Eratosthenes, another Greek astronomer measured the
distance to the Moon and made a good attempt to measure the distance
to the Sun. Aristarchus watched the shadow of the Earth on the Moon
during a lunar eclipse. He realized that the angle of the shadow on
the sky, coupled with the Earth's diameter told him the distance to
the Moon. He came up with a number of 180,000 miles, only somewhat
smaller than the actual 250,000 miles.
Knowing the distance to the Moon, Aristarchus tried to measure the
distance to the Sun. He measured the angle between the Sun and Moon
when the Moon was exactly half lit by the Sun. The idea is that the
Moon and Earth see the Sun at slightly different angles, and this
angle combined with the distance to the Moon gives the distance to the
Earth. His distance to the Sun was 4 million miles, almost 25 times
smaller than the real distance. We have to give him some slack
because it is a very hard measurement to make with primitive
equipment. Even so, this large distance told him that the Sun was
much larger than the Earth. Based on this, he proposed that the Earth
orbited the Sun, instead of the then popular theory that the Sun
orbited the Earth. His theory never caught on - Archimedes mentioned
it, but only as a curious suggestion. Advances in understanding the
layout of the Solar System and the Universe had to wait another 1750
years for Nicolaus Copernicus.
If you are impatient to read the rest of this series, or if you want
to see past astronomy articles from North Hawaii News, we have
compiled them on our web page:
Eugene Magnier