2003A CFHT Schedule | ||||||
Date | Instrument | ID | PI | SA | Nights | Title |
10-Feb-2003 | Gecko | C6 | Martin | 5 | Abundance Gradients in the Galaxy: Cepheids Spectroscopy with Gecko | |
15-Feb-2003 | CFHTIR | C1 | Okon | OL | 4 | Globular Cluster Systems in Giant Galaxies: Pursuing the Metallicity Distribution |
19 Feb - 10 March | 20 | QUEUE | ||||
11-Mar-2003 | AOB IR | F29 | Veillet | CV | 2 | Binarity in the Solar System |
13-Mar-2003 | H36A | Stalder | TF | 3 | AO studies of high z radio source hosts near bright natural guide stars | |
17-Mar-2003 | AOB GRiF | H34B | Liu | TF | 3 | A high-resolution coronographic sensus of the solar neighborhood |
20-Mar-2003 | F26 | Beuzit | TF | 2 | A deep coronographic search for very cold brown dwarfs | |
22 Mar - 1 Apr | 11 | QUEUE | ||||
2-Apr-2003 | MOS/FP | F25 | Amram | PM | 4 | Dark matter distribution in Low Surface Brightness galaxies |
6-Apr-2003 | C19 | Carignan | PM | 4 | Ha Kinematics for the SINGS (SIrtf Nearby Galaxy Survey) Sample | |
11-Apr-2003 | CFHTIR | K5 | Kim | OL | 2 | CFHT-IR K'-bandImaging ObservationsofUltraluminous InfraredGalaxies andField QSOs. |
14-Apr-2003 | F8A | Doressoundiram | OL | 2 | Visible-infrared colors of the outer solar system objects | |
16-Apr-2003 | C12 | Hall | OL | 3 | Infrared Confirmation of z>5.5 Quasar Candidates | |
19-Apr-2003 | K4 | Sohn | OL | 2 | A Near-Infrared Survey of Metal Poor Inner Spheroid Globular Clsuters | |
21 Apr - 29 Apr | 9 | QUEUE | ||||
30-Apr-2003 | MOS | F13 | Stasinska | EM | 1 | The neon abundance of the most oxygen-poor planetary nebula |
1-May-2003 | K3 | Park | EM | 2 | Spectroscopy of globular clusters in the Virgo giant elliptical galaxies M84 and M60 | |
3-May-2003 | C27 | Yee | EM | 4 | The Evolution of Cluster Galaxy Populations and Dynamics | |
7-May-2003 | H24A | Ebeling | EM | 2 | MACS: Finding and characterizing the most massive galaxy clusters at 0.3 < z < 0.7 | |
10-May-2003 | AOB GRiF | F18 | Clenet | OL | 3 | Spectro-imagerie de la r\'egion du centre galactique :
recherche d'images gravitationnelles et analyse spectrale de la popul |
14-May-2003 | F23 | Dumas | OL | 2 | A study of small, outer-planets satellites with GriF | |
16-May-2003 | F22 | Lagrange | OL | 3 | Search for circumstellar disks around stars with radial velocity companions | |
20 May - 8 Jun | 20 | QUEUE | ||||
9-Jun-2003 | Gecko | C8 | Walker | NM | 4 | Interstellar C4 and C5 - II |
9-Jun-2003 | C15 | Bohlender | NM | 3 | The three-dimensional isotopic helium abundance distribution
of the helium-variable star a Cen (HD 125823) |
17-Jun-2003 | F27 | Andre | NM | 2 | Estimating D/H throughout the galactic disk. | |
19 Jun - 7 Jul | 19 | QUEUE | ||||
8-Jul-2003 | CFHTIR | F8B | Doressoundiram | OL | 2 | Visible-infrared colors of the outer solar system objects |
10-Jul-2003 | F4 | Bouvier | OL | 3 | Young brown dwarfs and the substellar mass function: clues to the star formation process | |
13-Jul-2003 | AOB GRiF | F9 | Field | TF | 4 | The spatially resolved dynamics of star-forming regions, using PUEO + GriF |
17-Jul-2003 | F12 | Forveille | TF | 2 | The small scale structure of the Helix nebula (NGC~7293) | |
19 Jul- 31 Jul | 13 | QUEUE | ||||
OL - Olivier Lai | ||||||
CV - Christian Veillet | ||||||
TF - Thierry Forveille | ||||||
PM - Pierre Martin | ||||||
EM - Eugene Magnier | ||||||
NM - Nadine Manset |