Science, Seminars, Previous Seminars

Previous Seminars at CFHT

July 22nd 2003, at 11:00:
    Michel Rieutord (Observatoire de Toulouse)
    "Solar convection models"
July 29th 2003, at 11:00:
    David Hanes (Queens University, Ontario)
    "Extragalactic globular clusters: A probe of galaxy mergers
July 31st 2003, at 11:00:
    Nate Mc Crady (UC, Berkeley)
    "Super Star Clusters in the M82 Starburst: A Newborn Globular Cluster Population?
Thursday, August 7th 2003, at 11:00:
    Dr. Guillaume Blanc (CEA Saclay)
    "Type Ia Supernova Explosion Rate Measurement"
Tuesday, August 12th 2003, at 11:00:
    Dr. Genevieve Soucail (Observatoire de Toulouse)
    "Mass Distribution in Clusters of Galaxies"
  • Thursday, August 28th 2003, at 11:00am:
    1. Dr. Nadine Manset (CFHT)
      "Polarimetric observations of young binary stars"
    Thursday, September 11th 2003, at 11:00am:
      Dr. Eugene Magnier (CFHT)
      ""Brown Dwarf Science with Elixir"
    Thursday, September 25th 2003, at 11:00am:
      Dr. Chris Davis (JAC, Hilo)
      "Understanding molecular outflows and Herbig-Haro jets through near-IR observations"
    Thursday, October 9th 2003, at 11:00am:
      Dr. Remi Cabanac (CFHT)
      "The wonders of serendipity"
    Thursday, November 6th 2003, at 11:00am:
      Dr. Tracy Beck (Gemini North)
      "Integral field observations of Herbig-Haro shocks with GMOS"
    Wednesday, November 26th 2003, at 11:00am:
      Dr. David Valls Gabaud (CFHT)
      "Euler, Hipparcos and the five little dwarfs: Reconstructing star formation histories in the Local Group"
    Tuesday, December 23th 2003, at 14:00:
      Dr. Helene Courtois - CRAL-Observatoire de Lyon
      "Galaxy distributions at very low and very high redshift"

    Wednesday, January 14th 2004, at 14:00:
      Dr. Dr. John Greenhill - University of Tasmania
      "The PLANET microlensing collaboration"
    Thursday, January 15th 2004, at 11:00:
      Dr. David Wood- WebCT Inc.
      "Future Directions in Faint Galaxy and Galaxy Cluster Research"
    Wednesday, January 21st 2004, at 14:00:
      Dr. Marc Moniez - LAL Orsay, France
      "Does transparent hidden matter generate optical scintillation?"
    Thursday, January 22nd 2004, at 11:00:
      Stephanie Plante - Universite Laval, Quebec
      "Super Star Clusters in Low-Metallicity Starburst Galaxies: what lies beneath"
    Friday, January 23rd 2004, at 16:00:
      Dr. Eduardo Martin - Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
      "S Ori 70: Cluster planet or ultracool brown dwarf?"
    Friday, January 30th 2004, at 14:00:
      Dr. Jean Rene Roy - GEMINI North (Hilo)
      "Science highlights with Gemini"
    Thursday, February 26th 2004, at 11:00:
      Dr. Olivier Guyon - Subaru Observatory (Hilo)
      "High performance coronagraphs for ground-based telescopes and space missions"
    Tuesday, March 9th 2004, at 11:00:
      Dr. Nadine Manset - CFHT
      "Polarimetry of binary stars"
    Thursday, March 11th 2004, at 11:00:
      Kirsty Selway - Univ. Glasgow
      "Modelling the Polarimetric Signatures of Extra Solar Planets During Microlensing Events "
    Wednesday, June 9th 2004, at 15:00:
      Dr. Chris Willmer - Lick Observatory
      "The Galaxy Luminosity Function to z = 1: Results from DEEP"
    Thursday, June 10th 2004, at 15:00:
      Philippe Delorme - University of Grenoble/CFHT
      "Searching for faint companions to solar neighborhood stars with adaptive optics "
    Wednesday, June 16th 2004, at 10:00:
      Carl Grillmair - Spitzer Science Center, Caltech
      "Galactic Structure with SIM"
    Wednesday, June 29th 2004, at 10:00:
      Marc Seigar - Joint Astronomy Center, Hilo
      "Dust Penetrated Arm Classes: A near-infrared classification scheme for spiral galaxies"
    Thursday, August 9th 2004, at 11:30
      John Mc Farland - Georgia State University
      "Rest Frame Variability Characteristics of the Blazars BL Lacertae, AO 0235+164, and PKS 1633+382"

      Monday, July 26th 2004, at 11:00
      John Landstreet -Univ. of Western Ontario
      "Magnetic Ap stars in clusters"
    Friday June 17th 2004, at 14:00
      Danielle Alloin - ESO Santiago
      "Very deeeply embedded stellar clusters in AGNs"
    Tuesday November 23rd 2004, at 11:00
      M. Castellanos - OMP Toulouse
      "Modelling the Diffuse Ionized Gas in spiral galaxies: a new approach"
    Monday December 20th 2004, at 11:00
      D. Barrado y Navascues - LAEFF Madrid
      "The Lambda Orionis Star Forming Region: The Initial Mass Funtion and the Effect of the Environment"
    (LAEFF, 20 Decembre) "The Lambda Orionis Star Forming Region : The Initial Mass Funtion and the Effect of the Environment"


      Wednesday, January 19th 2005, at 11:00
      Glenn Morrison - NOAO Tucson
      "Multiwavelength observations of a very rich cluster, CL0939+471"

      Wednesday, January 26th 2005, at 11:00
      Jean Louis Lemaire - Observatoire de Meudon
      "From star forming regions to laboratory astrophysics"

      Thursday February 10th 2005, at 11:00
      Jean Arnaud - OMP-Toulouse
      "The Hanle effect as a solar (and stellar?) magnetic field probe"

      Wednesday March 9th 2005, at 11:00
      Simona Mei - Johns Hopkins University
      "Cluster evolution at z=1 with ACS/HST"

      Thursday March 10th 2005, at 11:00
      Brad Holden - Lick Observatory
      "The fundamental plane and the ages of elliptical galaxies"

      Thursday, April 28th 2005, at 11:00
      Stephane Courteau - Queens University
      "The Mass Distribution, Structure, and Stellar Content of Spiral Galaxies"

      Tuesday August 1st 2005, at 14:00
      Jason Kalirai - UCO/Lick Observatory
      "The CFHT Open Star Cluster Survey: Constraining Stellar Evolution "

      Monday October 10th 2005, at 14:00
      Susan Hojnacki - Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, New York)
      "A Source Classification Algorithm for Astronomical X-ray Imagery of Stellar Clusters"

      Tuesday November 8th 2005, at 11:00
      Jean Francois Gonzalez - CRAL (Lyon, France)
      "Dust distribution in protoplanetary disks"


      Thursday January 12th 2006, at 14:00
      Greg Wade - RMC (Ontario, Canada)
      "Are magnetic fields in A stars fossils?"

      Wednesday February 15th 2006, at 11:00
      Bernard Fort - IAP (Paris, France)
      "S2LS: the Strong Lensing Legacy Survey"

      Tuesday Aug 8th 2006, at 11:00am
      Jean-Rene Roy - Gemini Observatory
      "Traffic at the Galactic Center and the nature of IRS-8"
    Friday Aug 11th 2006, at 3:00pm
      Evgenya Shkolnik - Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
      "From Gecko to ESPaDOnS: An Evolution of Spectrographs for Exoplanet Studies"

      Thursday Aug 17th 2006, at 3:00pm
      Aurelien Bocquet - Ecole Polytechnique
      "OHANA and the CFHT-Gemini connection"

      Wednesday Sept. 20th 2006, at 11:00am
      Jeff Cooke, University of California, Irvine
      "The Mass of Systems at 2.5 < z < 5.0 "

      Friday Sept. 29th 2006, at 11:00am
      Eiichi Egami, Steward Observatory
      "Spitzer Observations of the Brightest Galaxies in X-Ray-Luminous Clusters: Implications for Cluster Cooling Flows "

      Tuesday Dec. 12th 2006, at 11:00am
      David Schiminovich - Columbia University
      "From B&W to RGB to UV+IR: Tuning into the physics of galaxy formation and evolution"

    Tuesday Jan. 9th 2007, at 11:00am
      Chihiro Tokoku - Subaru Telescope
      "A new NIR multi-object spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope"
    Tuesday Feb. 27th 2007, at 11:00am
      Andy Adamson - Associate Director, UKIRT
      "UKIRT's multiple roles and science highlights"
    Friday Mar. 30th 2007, at 11:00am
      Etienne Artigau (Gemini-South)
      "The widest Very Low-Mass binary system."
    Friday April 13th 2007, at 11:00am
      Glen Petitpas SMA- Hilo
      "SMA Observations of Galaxies Near and Far"
    Friday July 13th 2007, at 11:00am
      Jean Eilek (New Mexico Tech)
      "Magnetism on Megaparsec Scales"
    Friday July 20th 2007, at 11:00am
      Frazer Owen (NRAO)
      "What can Deep Radio Surveys tell us about Galaxy Evolution?"
    Friday August 03th 2007, at 11:00am
      Nicolas Clerc (CFHT)
      "OHANA phase II : Optical path difference model for the CFHT-Gemini link"
    Friday September 14th 2007, at 11:00am
      Hiroko Shinnaga (CSO)
      "Submillimeter Observations of An Isolated Massive Dense Core"
    Friday October 26th 2007, at 11:00am
      Rachel Mason (Gemini-North)
      "The role of the torus in AGN unification"
    Friday November 9nd 2007, at 11:00am
      Daniel Devost (CFHT)
      "Infrared Abundances of Nearby Galaxies from CFHT WIRCam and Spitzer. "
    Tues. November 20 2007, at 11:00am
      Jean Cave (French novelist - CFHT Visitor)
      ""My dear friend Martian" or Passion, illusion, science, the secrets of Percival Lowell"
    Wed. November 28 2007, at 11:00am
      Sebastien Foucaud (University of Nottingham)
      "UKIDSS-UDS: Formation and evolution of massive galaxies"
    Wednesday December 19th 2007, at 11:00am
      Bo Reipurth (UHawaii/IfA- Hilo)
      "Dynamical Evolution of Young Binaries: New Results"
    Friday December 28th 2007, at 11:00am
      Andisheh Mahdavi (UVIC)
      "The Canadian Cluster Comparison Project (CCCP)"

    Friday January 4 2008, at 11:00am
      Evelyne Alecian (RMC)
      "Study of the magnetism and rotation of Herbig Ae/Be stars with ESPaDOnS"
    Thursday January 31 2008, at 11:00am
      Veronique Petit (ULAVAL)
      "On the X-ray emission and the incidence of magnetic field in massive stars of the Orion Nebula Cluster"
    Wednesday Feb. 20 2008, at 11:00am
      Stephane Courteau (Queen's University)
      "Puzzles in Galaxy Scaling Relations"
    Wednesday Feb. 27 2008, at 11:00am
      Alexandra Pope (NOAO--Spitzer Fellow)
      "The Role of Submillimetre Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Evolution"
    Friday April 4 2008, at 11:00am
      Chris Pritchet (UVIC)
      "Type Ia Supernovae and Dark Energy - the CFHT Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS)"
    Friday April 11 2008, at 11:00am
      Doug Simons (Director - Gemini)
      "Update on Gemini Observatory"
    Tuesday April 22 2008, at 11:00am
      Rolf Peter Kudritzki (Director - IfA)
      "Extragalactic Stellar Astronomy with the Brightest Stars in the Universe"
    Tuesday April 22 2008, at 2:30pm
      Rolf Peter Kudritzki (Director - IfA)
      "Astronomy at the University of Hawaii"
    Friday April 25 2008, at 12:00pm
      Loic Albert (CFHT)
      "The Canada-France Brown Dwarfs Survey (CFBDS)"
    Sept. 19 2008, at 1:00pm
      Darren Dowell (JPL)
      "BICEP: Searching the Cosmic Microwave Background for the Signature of Inflation from the South Pole"
    September 30 2008, at 11:00am
      Jim Geach (Durham)
      "Distant cluster starbursts as the progenitors of local S0s?"
    October 14 2008, at 11:00pm
      Bryce Croll (U Toronto)
      "Exploring the Diversity of Planets in other Solar Systems"
    November 7 2008, at 1:30pm
      Prof Dave Hanes, Queens Univ. Canada
      "SNO / SNOLAB and Dynamics of Globular Cluster Systems in Early-Type Galaxies"
    November 10 2008, at 2:00pm
      Emeric Le Floch (IfA)
      "Luminous starbursts and active nuclei at high redshift: a mid-infrared perspective"
    November 21 2008, at 11:00am
      Joe Masiero (IfA)
      "The Thousand Asteroid Light Curve Survey"
    November 25 2008, at 11:00am
      Bahram Mobasher (UC at Riverside)
      "Old Galaxies in a Young Universe: Searching for Massive Galaxies at High Redshift"

    2009 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 23 2009, at 11:00pm
      Jeff Cooke (U. of California, Irvine)
      "The Detection of z ~ 2 Type IIn Supernovae in the CFHTLS Deep Fields"
    February 13 2009, at 11:00am
      Thomas Widemann (OPSPM)
      "Category 5 Hurricane, acid rains and 96.5 % CO2 on our second closest neighbor !"
    February 27 2009, at 11:00am
      Severin Gaudet (CADC)
      "The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre: Status and Future Directions"
    March 3 2009, at 11:00am
      Marshall L. McCall (York University)
      "The Chemistry of Naked Galaxies"
    April 17 2009, at 2:00pm
      Melissa Graham (University of Victoria)
      "Type Ia Supernova Rates, Properties, and Host Galaxies from the CFHT Supernova Legacy Survey and the CFHT Multi-Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey"
    June 23 2009, at 11:00am
      Brett Gladman (UBC)
      "The Kuiper Belt and Beyond: The last 20 years"
    September 28 2009, at 2:00pm
      Trent Dupuy (IfA)
      "Testing Substellar Models with Keck LGS AO Dynamical Masses"
    November 4 2009, at 11:00am
      Al Conrad (Keck)
      "Observations of Rosetta Target (21) Lutetia with Keck and Gemini Adaptive Optics"
    November 24 2009, at 11:00am
      Jim Lyke (Keck)
      "The distance and morphology of V723 Cas"
    December 1 2009, at 11:00am
      Aeree Chung (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
      "Virgo, a Laboratory for Studying Environmentally Driven Galaxy Evolution"
    December 8 2009, at 11:00am
      Sarah Sonnett (IfA)
      "Near-IR Spectra of the Trans-Neptunian Object 1996 TO66: a Real Observational Challenge"
    December 10 2009, at 2:00pm
      Thomas Pfrommer (UBC)
      "Lidar and the Lunar Scintillation Instrument "

    2010 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 12 2010, at 11:00am
      Karun Thanjavur (UVIC)
      "Cosmic applications of Gravitational Lens Assisted Spectroscopy (GLAS)"
    January 15 2010, at 11:00am
      Andre-Nicolas Chene (National Research Council of Canada)
      "Determining the fundamental parameters of Wolf-Rayet stars"
    February 8 2010, at 11:00am
      Robert De Rosa (University of Exeter)
      "A large volume-limited AO imaging survey of A-type stars"
    February 17 2010, at 11:00am
      Jonathan Sick (Queen's University)
      "The Challenge of WIRCam Photometry of the Andromeda Galaxy"
    February 24 2010, at 11:00am
      Min Yun (UMass)
      "Color and morphology of the local and z=1 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs)"
    February 26 2010, at 11:00am
      Marie Treyer (Caltech)
      "Star-Formation and AGN activity in normal galaxies from mid-infrared spectra"
    March 2 2010, at 11:00am
      Vivian U (UHawaii-IfA)
      "Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies: SEDs and Energetics"
    March 3 2010, at 11:00am
      Stephane Corbel (CEA)
      "Discovery of gamma-ray activity from a microquasar by Fermi-LAT"
    April 27 2010, at 11:00am
      Jacques Haissinski (Centre d'Orsay de l'Universite de Paris-Sud)
      "The Planck Mission"
    April 28 2010, at 11:00am
      Andy Boden (Caltech)
      "Young Stellar Systems at High Angular Resolution with Infrared Interferometry"
    August 3 2010, at 11:00am
      Corinne Charbonnel (CNRS, France & Geneva Observatory, Switzerland)
      "Multiple stellar generations in globular clusters"
    August 5 2010, at 11:00am
      Daniel Schaerer (Geneva Observatory & CNRS)
      "Searches for and properties of the most distant galaxies"
    October 28 2010, at 11:00am
      Sebastien Foucaud(NTNU)
    November 30 2010, at 11:00am
      Eder Martioli (CFHT)
      "Measuring Masses of Exoplanet Candidates"

    2011 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 24 2011, at 1:00pm
      Bryce Croll (University of Toronto)
      "Characterizing the Thermal Emission of hot Jupiters and the Spectral Features of super-Earths using CFHT/WIRCam's Staring Mode"
    February 24 2011, at 2:30pm
      Thomas Widemann (OBSPM)
      "Venus : an uninhabitable planet in the habitable zone"
    March 04 2011, at 2:00pm
      Roy Gal (IfA)
      "The ORELSE Survey: Galaxy Evolution in Large Scale Structures at z~1"
    March 11 2011, at 3:00pm
      Tomotsugu Goto (IfA)
      "Cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution near and far: AKARI reveals both"
    April 21 2011, at 1:00pm
      Jonathan Sick (Queen's University)
      "Near-Infrared Imaging of the Andromeda Galaxy by ANDROIDS with WIRCam"
    April 29 2011, at 1:00pm
      Greg Snyder (Harvard University)
      "Poststarburst Galaxies as the Aftermath of Gas-Rich Mergers"
    May 02 2011, at 1:00pm
      Peter Eisenhardt (JPL)
      "Mapping the Infrared Sky with WISE"
    May 03 2011, at 1:00pm
      Mark Brodwin (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
      "The IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey (ISCS): Evolution of Galaxy Clusters Over the Last 10 Gyr"
    May 09 2011, at 1:00pm
      Harald Ebeling (IfA)
      "The most massive clusters of galaxies: astrophysical and cosmological applications"
    May 20 2011, at 11:00am
      Chris Pritchet (UVIC)
      "Canadian Long Range Plan"
    June 28 2011, at 11:00am
      David Whelan (U. Virginia)
      "The Early Evolution of Super Star Clusters: Predictions Using Dust and Molecular Line Radiative Transfer Models"
    July 20 2011, at 1:00pm
      Charles Bamber (NRC)
      "The first direct measurement of the quantum wavefunction"
    July 23 2011, at 11:00am
      Chi-Hung Yan (ASIAA)
      "From Circumstellar to Protoplanetary Disk : WIRCam/Spitzer YSO Survey toward rph961; Ophiuchus"
    August 5 2011, at 11:00am
      Denis Burgarella (OAMP)
      "Herschel FIR detection of a population of IR-bright Lyman Break Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 4"
    August 10 2011, at 11:00am
      Veronique Buat (OAMP)
      "Hidden and visible star formation in galaxies: new insights from AKARI and Herschel surveys"
    September 2 2011, at 11:00am
      David Levitan (Caltech)
      "Outbursting Systems in the Transient Sky"
    September 9 2011, at 11:00am
      Jean Eilek (NMT)
      "The complicated life of Centaurus A"

    2012 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 11 2012, at 11:00am
      Gordon Walker (UVIC)
      "A CFHT saga - the first Doppler search for extra-solar planets"
    February 24 2012, at 11:00am
      Puragra (Raja) GuhaThakurta (UCO/Lick Observatory)
      "Dissecting Andromeda's Enigmatic Inner Spheroid: The SPLASH and PHAT Surveys"
    March 07 2012, at 1:00pm
      Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT)
      "Exploring the low surface brightness Universe at CFHT: technique, science applications & pretty images"
    March 28 2012, at 11:00am
      Nicolas Martinet (ENS Cachan)
      "Cosmological constraints from shear peaks in weak lensing maps"
    June 1 2012, at 10:30am
      Alan McConnachie (NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)
      "From PAndAS in space to extreme multiplexing: wide field imaging and spectroscopy with (NG)CFHT"
    December 6 2012, at 2:00pm
      Thomas Martin (UMontreal)
      "SITELLE data reduction pipeline"
    December 27 2012, at 11:00am
      Jean-Pierre Berriot (Directeur Observatoire Géodésique de Tahiti)
      "The Geodesy Observatory of Tahiti : observations and ongoing research."

    2013 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 15 2013, at 11:00am
      Mikhail Zhizhin and Feng Chi Hsu (NOAA/CIRES)
      "Real-time mapping of light sources on the night side of the Earth using NPP satellite sensors"
    January 22 2013, at 11:00am
      Thierry Sousbie (University of Tokyo)
      "Persistent structures in the cosmic web : a topological view on filaments, walls and voids"
    January 25 2013, at 11:00am
      Masato Onodera(Zurich)
      "High-redshift early-type galaxies through rest-frame optical spectroscopy"
    February 7 2013, at 2:00pm
      Olivier Lai (CFHT)
      "IMAKA: Imaging from MaunA KeA - The finest view from Earth!"
    February 22 2013, at 2:00pm
      Jonathan Sick (Queen's University)
      "WIRCam Imaging of the Andromeda Galaxy"
    February 26 2013, at 2:00pm
      Lison Malo (U of Montreal)
      "Nearby young kinematic group member: a combination of kinematics, photometry, age-dating indicators and statistics to assign membership"
    May16 2013, at 2:00pm
      David Sobral(Leiden Observatory)
      "Exploring the z~0-9 Universe with the largest multi-narrow-band surveys"
    June 13 2013, at 2:00pm
      Andisheh Mahdavi (UVIC)
      "X-ray and Weak Gravitational Lensing Masses in the Canadian Cluster Comparison Project"
    June 20 2013, at 2:00pm
      Barney Magrath (Santa Fe Community College)
      "Observing and Photographing Moon Phases with an emphasis on Apollo Landing sites"
    December 4 2013, at 10:30am
      Arthur Vigan (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille)
      "Direct imaging of exoplanets: past, present and future"
    December 4 2013, at 11:15am
      Pedro Figueira (Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto)
      "The road to Earth twins: from HARPS to SPIRou"
    December 16 2013, at 3pm
      Andrew Sheinis (AAO)
      "What's New at the AAO"

    2014 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 29 2014, at 1pm
      Marc Betoule & Nicolas Regnault.(CNRS)
      "On LEDs, Stars, Supernovae and Dark Energy"
    February 20 2014, at 11:00am
      Patrick Peter (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
      "Using cosmology to test modifications of quantum mechanics"
    February 27 2014, at 11:00am
      Jim Bell (ASU)
      "Postcards from Mars: Using Rovers to Explore the Mysteries of the Red Planet"
    February 28 2014, at 11:00am
      Andreea Petric (Gemini)
      "The ISM of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies and PG QSOs"
    March 27 2014, at 11:00am
      Bryce Croll (MIT)
      "Systematic of WIRCam Staring Mode Photometry and results from our TETrES Program on the Thermal Emission of hot Jupiters"
    April 15 2014, at 3:00pm
      Thomas Widemann (Observatoire de Paris)
      "Venus exploration, from ground and space, after Venus Express"
    April 17 2014, at 11:00am
      Warren Skidmore (TMT)
      "Thirty Meter Telescope: The Next Generation of Ground Based Optical/Infra Red Observatory"
    May 02 2014, at 11:00am
      Karen Meech (IfA)
      "Origin of Earth's Water"
    July 14 2014, at 11:00am
      Nicolas FLAGEY (IfA)
      "The Galaxy Champagne"
    August 20 2014, at 11:00am
      Shri Kulkarni (Caltech)
      "The Zwicky Transient Facility: Opening the Frontier of High-Cadence Time-Domain Astrophysics"
    August 21 2014, at 11:00am
      JJ Kavelaars (CNRC)
      "The CFHT Science Archive at the CADC: past, present and future."
    August 28 2014, at 3:00pm
      Michele Bannister (UVIC)
      "Mapping the Deep: First Discoveries from the Outer Solar System Origins Survey"
    September 10 2014, at 11:00am
      Scott Dahm (Keck)
      "Embedded Clusters and Pre-Main Sequence Populations"
    October 22 2014, at 11:00am
      Marie-Eve Naud (University of Montreal)
      "Detection and characterization of distant giant exoplanets using seeing-limited direct imaging."
    November 7 2014, at 2:00pm
      Vivian U (University of California, Riverside)
      "A Near-Infrared Perspective of the Dusty Cores in Local Galaxy Mergers"
    December 3 2014, at 11:00am
      Colin Aspin (IfA - Hilo)
      "Refurbishment and Upgrades to the UH 2.2-m Telescope"

    2015 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    February 17 2015, at 11:00am
      Philippe Thebault (Observatoire de Paris)
      "Planet formation in binaries"
    February 24 2015, at 10:00am
      Olivier Lai (Gemini)
      "Thermodynamics, Evolution, Telescopes"
    March 11 2015, at 2:00pm
      Glenn Morrison (IfA-CFHT)
      "Super Groups: A Grand Slice of Environmental Galaxy Evolution"
    March 24 2015, at 3:00pm
      Thomas Widemann (OBSPM)
      "Venus from CFHT : how diverse are Earth-like planets? "
    April 2 2015, at 11:00am
      Chris Fassnacht (UC Davis)
      "A SHARP View of Dark Matter in Distant Galaxies"
    April 30 2015, at 11:00am
      Christoph Baranec (IfA-Hilo)
      "Current results from the Robo-AO survey to image every Kepler Object of Interest"
    May 14 2015, at 11:00am
      Mark Chun (IfA-Hilo)
      "OTP - five years of optical turbulence measurements at CFHT"
    May 20 2015, at 11:00am
      Olivier Guyon, Josh Walawender, PANOPTES team
      "The PANOPTES project: discovering exoplanets with low-cost digital cameras"
    June 5 2015, at 11:00am
      Wei-Hao Wang (CFHT)
      "Finding Dust-Hidden Galaxies---A Multi-Wavelength Adventure"
    July 8 2015, at 11:00am
      Adrien Kuntz (CFHT)
      "Cross-correlating CFHTLenS Galaxy Catalogue and Planck CMB Lensing"
    July 27 2015, at 11:00am
      Julien Bobroff (Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universite Paris Sud & CNRS)
      "Physics reimagined for the general public"
    July 28 2015, at 11:00am
      Dennis R. Crabtree (CNRC)
      "Observatory Productivity and Impact: 2009 - 2013"
    August 3 2015, at 11:00am
      Karun Thanjavur (UVIC)
      "ALTAIR: Calibrated balloon-borne light sources for precision spectro-photometry."
    August 18 2015, at 11:00am
      Laurence Tresse (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille)
      "Spectroscopic Deep Surveys and the PFS-SuMIRe Project"
    August 20 2015, at 11:00am
      Kevin Silva (IfA-Hilo)
      "Finding and Characterizing Central Sources of Circumstellar Envelopes Detected in the mid-IR"
    August 31 2015, at 11:00am
      Ismael Moumen (U. Laval)
      "The Oxygen Abundance Of a Sample Of Nearby Barred Spiral Galaxies using SpIOMM"
    Sept. 23 2015, at 1:30pm
      Celine d'Orgeville (ANU)
      "Gender equity issues in astronomy: facts, fiction, and what the Adaptive Optics community can do to close the gap"
    Sept. 29 2015, at 11:00am
      Megan Ansdell (IfA-Manoa)
      "Young M dwarf "dipper" stars in Upper Sco and Á Ophiuchus observed by K2"
    October 8 2015, at 11:00am
      Michele Bannister (University of Victoria)
      "The Outer Solar System Origins Survey"
    October 19 2015, at 11:00am
      Wes Fraser (University of Victoria)
      "Col-OSSOS: Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey"
    November 5 2015, at 11:00am
      Geoffrey Bower (ASIAA)
      "Intensity Mapping of High Redshift Molecular Gas"
    November 10 2015, at 11:00am
      Rachel Rampy (Keck)
      "Near-infrared tip/tilt sensing at Keck: System architecture and on-sky performance"

    2016 Schedule of Science Seminars at CFHT
    January 15 2016, at 1:00pm
      Colin Wilson (Oxford)
      "Venus Express legacy and the future of Venus scientific exploration"
    February 11 2016, at 11:00am
      Andreea Petric (Gemini)
      "Hungry Super Massive Black Holes and their Host Galaxies"
    February 19 2016, at 11:00am
      Wei-Hao Wang (ASIAA)
      "Mapping the Dust Obscured Cosmic Star Formation"
    February 24 2016, at 11:00am
      Clotilde Laigle (IAP)
      "Understanding galaxy populations throughout Cosmic Time: Joint analysis of observed and simulated lightcones"
    April 1 2016, at 11:00am
      Richard Wainscoat (IfA - Manoa)
      "The search for Near Earth Objects - how CFHT is helping, and why dark skies are important"
    April 21 2016, at 11:00am
      Bob Calder and Luke McKay (IfA-Hilo)
      "Refurbishment and Upgrades to the UH 2.2-m Telescope"
    May 24 2016, at 11:00am
      Bo Reipurth (IfA-Hilo)
      "George Herbig and Early Stellar Evolution"
    June 21 2016, at 11:00am
      Andy Mahdavi (SF State university)
      "Galaxy Clusters with CFHT: the Canadian Cluster Comparison Project"