A close-up on the MegaPrime Upper End on the Telescope

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[Scaled 1/2th - 640x480 - JPEG - 55Kb] 

Technical description:
A closer look at the top of the telescope shows the MegaPrime upper end installed on the top ring of the telescope structure.  All the MegaPrime instrumentation is supported by a very stiff base held high above the telescope by four arms (black) attached to a base ring (white). The Wide Field Corrector is bolted to the base from underneath; its first lens is visible on the picture.  The rest of MegaPrime is protected by a cover, seen in the picture as a black and silver structure.

Credit line: "Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope / 2003"

Copyright © 2003 Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation

Copyright policy and credits related to all press release materials

All images on this page are to be used exclusively for the purpose of media announcements related to MegaPrime.
For any other use, please seek authorization from CFHT's PR officer .
Any images used should be credited as follow: "Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope / 2003"