WIRCam Oral Presentations
- Status of the `I`iwi
processing, Board of Directors meeting, CFHT, Hawaii - USA, December 13
2007. PDF from a Keynote presentation.
Lecture to Graduate Students on Near-Infrared Astronomy - Part 1 -
Introduction, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics - Academia Sinica
(ASIAA), Taipei - Taiwan, November 2007. PDF from a Keynote presentation.
Lecture to Graduate Students on Near-Infrared Astronomy - Part 2 -
The NIR Sky, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics - Academia Sinica
(ASIAA), Taipei - Taiwan, November 2007. PDF from a Keynote presentation.
Lecture to Graduate Students on Near-Infrared Astronomy - Part 3 -
Processing, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics - Academia Sinica
(ASIAA), Taipei - Taiwan, November 2007. PDF from a Keynote presentation.
The IDL Interpretor of the WIRCam Images (`I`iwi), CFHT User's Meeting,
Marseilles - France, May 2007. PDF from a Keynote presentation.