After two years of operation (Feb. 2005) with nearly 50,000 activations, it
became important to check the ballistics of the shutter built by CEA, clearly
the piece of equipment in MegaCam which gets the most mechanical stress during
its operation. CEA delivered the shutter with the following specifications:
an accuracy of 0.003 second, and an uniformity of the exposure level over
the mosaic of 99% for a 1 sec exposure. The following study based on data
gathered during the 05AQ01 run (Feb. 2005) confirms these numbers are still
Shutter mechanism description
The shutter is a half disk which motion exposes and then covers the CCD
mosaic at a constant speed for both opening and closing, ensuring that
all points of the mosaic get exposed for the same time. Figure 1 shows
a view of the shutter from above and the relative configuration of the
MegaCam CCD mosaic:

Figure 1. Shutter and mosaic geometric configuration.
The illumination "edge", that is how the shutter unveils the CCD mosaic
to the light is illustrated in Figure 2. Since the axis of rotation of
the shutter is at a distance from the mosaic, the illumination edge
describes a long front during most of its cruise:
Figure 2. Illumination pattern across the CCD mosaic.
Illumination uniformity and exposure time
To investigate the uniformity of the illumination, a set of flat-fields of
increasing exposure times is used: 1, 2, 3 and 5 seconds. The ratio of
the 3 and 5 seconds frames shows no structure at all. However the ratio
of the 2 and 3 seconds frames shows a slight gradient of similar shape
as the illumination pattern described on figure 2: the largest difference
is of course between the top right corner and the bottom right corner
and amounts to 0.3 percent for the 2-3 seconds set. This structure is
shown on figure 3:
Figure 3. Non uniform illumination (<0.3%) [mosaic as shown on Fig. 1].
For the 1 versus 3 seconds frames (the 3 second exposure time is considered
as the threshold where the exposure is 100% uniform), that difference amounts
to 1%, right within the specifications of the builder. The bottom corner CCD (CCD07)
is getting more exposed than the top right corner (CCD35) for the 1 second exposure
at a level of 1%, but the vast majority of the mosaic is more uniformly
illuminated, specially the center where most photometric standards are
Repeatability of the shutter timing and exposure time
To check the exact timing of the shutter, a reliable stable light
source ought to be used: a dense star field (the MegaPrime winter
PSF field) observed under stable conditions (seeing, transparency,
airmass) is the most adequate candidate. Two sequences of 1,2,4,8
and 16 seconds exposures were obtained under such condition during
the 05AQ01 run:
781021o|Feb 14 20:44:28 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 1.1|r.MP9601|
781022o|Feb 14 20:45:22 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 2.1|r.MP9601|
781023o|Feb 14 20:46:22 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 4.1|r.MP9601|
781024o|Feb 14 20:47:24 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 8.0|r.MP9601|
781025o|Feb 14 20:48:31 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 16.0|r.MP9601|
781026o|Feb 14 20:49:26 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 1.1|r.MP9601|
781027o|Feb 14 20:50:21 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 2.1|r.MP9601|
781028o|Feb 14 20:51:16 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 4.0|r.MP9601|
781029o|Feb 14 20:52:16 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 8.0|r.MP9601|
781030o|Feb 14 20:53:26 2005| 1.01|OBJECT|Field PSF | 16.1|r.MP9601|
There are sensors positioned in the shutter structure measuring exactly the
time the shutter was open for: this is loaded in the EXPTIME keyword of all
exposures (REQTIME only reflects what was requested by the acquisition system,
the actual exposure time always turns out to be a bit longer, hence REQTIME
should NEVER be used for any serious photometry work on MegaPrime data).
The exposure times recorded for this set are:
EXPTIME = 1.087 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 2.067 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 4.062 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 8.047 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 16.047 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 1.053 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 2.055 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 4.049 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 8.034 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPTIME = 16.054 / Measured integration time (seconds)
Stars were extracted from the images and the difference in flux was
measured, for an identical level of exposure, the ratio ought to be
equal to 1.000. Since the exposure times, as reported by EXPTIME,
differs slightly, the flux ratio between exposure has to be compared
to the ratio of the measured exposure times. The following table
gives the flux ratio between the exposures of similar length for
the two sets, the ratio of the measured exposure time, and the
ratio between these two ratios:
Flux measurements EXPTIME measurements Ratio
1-1: 0.9722 0.9687 1.003
2-2: 0.9934 0.9941 0.999
4-4: 1.0014 0.9968 1.003
8-8: 1.0001 0.9984 1.001
16-16: 1.0004 1.0004 1.000
The precision of the level of exposure and the reported timing of the
exposure is extremely precise: to within 0.3%, again still right on
the delivered specifications by the builder.
When comparing the scaling of flux versus the scaling of different
exposure times (here comparing the exposure times that differ by
a factor of 2), one can see that indeed shorter exposures are a bit
longer than they should (but then again EXPTIME keeps nicely track
of that), and the ratio between the flux ratio and the exposure time
ratio is within 1 percent, but there are most likely systematics
caused by the photometry extraction due to comparing objects which flux
has doubled between the two exposures. The error is most likely
not due to a shutter timing as the previous table shows a perfect
timing at the 0.3% level.
Set1-Flux Set1-EXPTIME Set2-Flux Set2-EXPTIME
1sec vs 2sec 1.9190 1.901 1.9589 1.951
2sec vs 4sec 1.9590 1.965 1.9841 1.970
4sec vs 8sec 1.9959 1.981 1.9922 1.984
8sec vs 16sec 2.0025 1.994 2.0008 1.998