In addition to offering to the Principal Investigators the service
observing through QSO, CFHT also delivers with Elixir data corrected
for the instrumental signature, as well as photometrically and astrometrically
calibrated on a per CCD basis (the global solutions over the whole
mosaic and image stacking is a service provided by the Terapix Data
In addition to the usual FITS files, a set of data, called the Meta-Data,
is provided along in the form of FITS tables. These tables
contain all sorts of information related to the observing
conditions and data processing associated to each individual
FITS image file (in particular the most precious SkyProbe data showing
if the data were taken under photometric conditions or not).
An example of a Meta-Data distribution is proposed on
this page.
Please note that the contain of these pages (generated in Aug 2003) are not
be up to date in regard of the latest Elixir release.
Since the Meta-Data are the prime interface for data exchange
between the various entities involved in MegaPrime data
release to the community in its various forms (CADC and Terapix),
these Meta-Data and all the MegaPrime specific FITS keywords have been
defined in an Interface Control Document by the CFHT, the
CADC and Terapix. The latest
revision can be retrieved here.
Please note that this document is not yet finalized, specially
for the interfaces other than the CFHT-CADC ones.