Time range | QSO run(s) | Event | Effect on data |
14 Dec. 20 - present | 20BQ14 and on | Slink is retired and gigabit ethernet is now in use for megacam | No discernible effects on data |
30 Mar. 16 - 14 Apr. 16 | 16AQ07 (first 2 nights, last night) | Chip #25 amp A gain variation | Photometry is affected in that amp. |
03 Dec. 15 - 07 Dec. 15 noon | 15BQ14 (first part) | Faulty power supply (slave board) | Unusable lower half of the mosaic |
02 Oct. 15 - present | 15BQ08 and on | Astrometry based on scamp software, linear distorsion model | Avoid chips with no astrometric solution |
04 Sep. 15 - present | 15BQ06 and on | First zero points for narrow, ultra-broad band filters | Based on HST spectrophotometric standards |
09 Jun. 15 - present | 15AQ10 and on | Changed from synthetic to empirical color corrections | New broad band filters only |
10 Apr. 15 - present | 15AQ06 and on | Changed mode to median in master flat creation | Fixed master flats for bimodal distributions |
10 Apr. 15 - present | 15AQ06 and on | New photometric grid solutions | Valid for new filters, on all 40 CCDs |
10 Feb. 15 - present | 15AQ02 and on | New photometric calibration | Zero point estimates based on SNLS catalogs |
10 Feb. 15 - present | 15AQ02 and on | New broad and narrow band filters. | Ear CCDs are not vignetted |
10 Feb. 15 - present | 15AQ02 and on | 40 CCDs images. | Images now have 40 extensions. |
12 Dec. 14 - 30 Dec. 14 | 14BQ11 | Degraded L1 coating | Very large scattering halos, 50% flux lost in PSF core |
25 Sep. 13 - 08 Jan. 14 | 13BQ05 to 13BQ11 | Slow drift in zero points (up to 0.2 mag in u) | Only throughput was impacted |
18 Oct. 07 - present | 07BQ06 and on | New i' filter installed (i2) | Slightly broader and bluer filter |
20 Jul. 07 - n/a | 05BQ10 | Original i' filter broken | Filter can not be perfectly duplicated |
19 May - 27 Dec.06 | 06AQ08-06BQ08 | Slow growth of metal shading | Attenuation gradient (5 to 15%) |
20 Sep. 05 - present | 05BQ05 and on | Tweak CCD focal plane tilt | More uniform IQ across focus |
01 Sep. - 02 Sep.05 | 05BQ03 | Slave power supply failure | Lower half mosaic down (1 night) |
20 Jul. 05 - present | 05AQ07 and on | 5.5 mm -> 2.1 mm spacer | More uniform IQ, less distortion |
07 Jul. 05 - present | 05AQ06 and on | Tighter material near mirror | Eliminate 0.5% flux variation vs.dec |
02 Dec. 04 - present | 04BQ05 and on | L3 lens flipped upside down | Spectacular IQ improvement |
01 Nov.- 04 Nov.04 | 04BQ04 | L3 lens flipped upside down | Spectacular IQ improvement |
08 Sep.- 22 Oct.04 | 04BQ02-Q03 | Defective video board | MAXLINB=32K right amp CCD27->35 |
05 Sep.- 07 Sep.04 | 04BQ02 | Defective video board | Half mosaic not operational (18-35) |
14 Aug.- 24 Aug.04 | 04BQ01 | CCDs 00,11 defective | Only A amplifier (left) off for 07&11 |
06 Aug.- 14 Aug.04 | 04BQ01 | CCDs 00,07,09,10,11 defective | Only A amplifier (left) off for 00&11 |
16 Aug.- 17 Aug.04 | 04BQ01 | Ice on window dusk to 1 AM | Large blob obstructing light |
06 Aug.- 07 Aug.04 | 04BQ01 | Ice on window all night | Large blob obstructing light |
06 Aug.- 10 Aug.04 | 04BQ01 | Vacuum gauge glow | Large structures in all bands |
07 Jul. 04 - present | 04AQ07 and on | L1 cell O-ring removal | No obvious IQ improvement |
25 Feb. 04 - present | 04AQ01 and on | Light baffle installed | Cut stray lights |
13 Jan.- 30 Jan.03 | 03BQ07 | CCD03 non operational | 2.7% off the field of view at the edge |
16 Dec.- 31 Dec.03 | 03BQ06 | CCD03 non operational | 2.7% off the field of view at the edge |
28 Nov.- 03 Dec.03 | 03BQ05 | CCD03 non operational | 2.7% off the field of view at the edge |
27 Oct.- 01 Nov.03 | 03BQ04 | CCD03 non operational | 2.7% off the field of view at the edge |
22 Oct.- 22 Oct.03 | 03BQ04 | Ice on window 3 AM to dawn | Large blob obstructing light |
18 Sep.- 04 Oct.03 | 03BQ03 | CCD03 non operational | 2.7% off the field of view at the edge |
18 Jul. 03 - Jul.05 | 03AQ06-present | WFC original tilt & centering with 5.5mm spacer | Back to best optical setup |
16 Jun.- 17 Jul.03 | 03AQ05 | WFC 0.02 deg. tilt to west side with 5.5mm spacer | Not optimal optical setup yet |