The following FITS headers originate from a raw file, as archived,
and the Elixir detrended frame. Both are originating from the "ccd13" extension
of the same file.
The raw file was generated at the telescope in July 2003 and processed by
Elixir in November 2003 (ver. 2.0).
1. Raw data
SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS
BITPIX = 16 / 16bit 2s complement 0..65535 (BZERO=32768)
NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1 = 2112 / Number of pixel columns
NAXIS2 = 4644 / Number of pixel rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Random parameters before each array in a group
GCOUNT = 1 / Number of random groups
COMMENT Observation Summary
COMMENT -------------------
CMMTSEQ = 'DP5[5/5] - Ref + [-3.0 10.0]'
OBJECT = 'N6205 fo'
PI_NAME = 'Gregory Fahlman'
RUNID = '03AC25 '
FILENAME= '712672o.ccd13' / Current filename after processing
PATHNAME= '/data.MegaPrime/piko/megacam/03AQ06-N12' / Original directory name at acquisiti
EXTNAME = 'ccd13 ' / CCD number in the mosaic
EXTVER = 13 / Now matches the CCD number in the mosaic
DATE = '2003-07-31T10:03:39.60' / UTC Date of file creation
HSTTIME = 'Thu Jul 31 00:08:48 HST 2003' / Local time in Hawaii
IMAGESWV= 'CFHT DetCom v4.33 (Jul 17 2003)' / Image creation software version
COMMENT file 712672o27, raster FULL, etype OBJECT, etime 300, filter filter_name
DETECTOR= 'MegaCam '
COMMENT Unique amplifier IDs for MegaCam:
COMMENT -- -- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -- --
COMMENT 72 73 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 74 75
COMMENT 76 77 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 78 79
COMMENT -- -- 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 -- --
COMMENT Detector
COMMENT --------
DETSIZE = '[1:23219,1:19354]' / Total data pixels in full mosaic
CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors
CCDBIN1 = 1 / Binning factor along first axis
CCDBIN2 = 1 / Binning factor along second axis
PIXSIZE1= 13.5 / Pixel size for axis 1 (microns)
PIXSIZE2= 13.5 / Pixel size for axis 2 (microns)
PIXSCAL1= 0.1850 / Pixel scale for axis 1 (arcsec/pixel)
PIXSCAL2= 0.1850 / Pixel scale for axis 2 (arcsec/pixel)
AMPNAME = '13a + 13b' / List of amplifiers names for this image
AMPLIST = 'A B ' / List of amplifiers for this CCD
CCDSIZE = '[1:2048,1:4612]' / Detector imaging area size
DETSEC = '[12628:10581,14320:9709]' / Mosaic area of the entire readout
DETSECA = '[12628:11605,14320:9709]' / Mosaic area of the A readout
DETSECB = '[10581:11604,14320:9709]' / Mosaic area of the B readout
DATASEC = '[33:2080,1:4612]' / Imaging area of the entire CCD in raw frame
ASECA = '[1:1056,1:4612]' / Section by A amplifier in raw frame
DSECA = '[33:1056,1:4612]' / Image area of A amplifier in raw frame
TSECA = '[33:1056,1:4612]' / Trim section of A amplifier = DSECA
BSECA = '[1:32,1:4644]' / Overscan of A amplifier in raw frame
CSECA = '[1:1024,1:4612]' / Section in full CCD after BSECA cut out
ASECB = '[1057:2112,1:4612]' / Section by B amplifier in raw frame
DSECB = '[1057:2080,1:4612]' / Image area of B amplifier in raw frame
TSECB = '[1057:2080,1:4612]' / Trim section of B amplifier = DSECB
BSECB = '[2081:2112,1:4644]' / Overscan of B amplifier in raw frame
CSECB = '[1025:2048,1:4612]' / Section in full CCD after BSECB cut out
CCD = 'Marconi/EEV CCD42-90'
CCDNAME = '8351-17-3' / Name of the CCD (manufacturer reference)
CCDNICK = 'Rodolphe' / Nickname of the CCD
MAXLIN = 65535 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) = Average
MAXLINA = 65535 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) A amp
MAXLINB = 65535 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) B amp
SATURATE= 65535 / Saturation value (ADU)
GAIN = 1.6900 / Converting gain (e-/ADU) = Average [A,B] amps
GAINA = 1.6600 / Converting gain of A amplifier (e-/ADU)
GAINB = 1.7200 / Converting gain of B amplifier (e-/ADU)
RDNOISE = 3 / Read noise (electrons) = Average [A,B] amps
RDNOISEA= 3 / Read noise (electrons) A amplifier
RDNOISEB= 4 / Read noise (electrons) B amplifier
DARKCUR = 3.0 / Dark current (e-/pixel/hour)
QEPOINTS= '48%@350 86%@450 83%@550 78%@650 62%@750 38%@850 12%@950' / QE%@wavele
CONSWV = 'Not implemented' / Controller software DSPID and SERNO versions
DETSTAT = 'temp_status' / temp_status_comment
DETTEM = -133.000006103516 / Temp. Cold Plate (C)
INHERIT = F / No need to inherit global headers
TIMESYS = 'Null ' / Time System for DATExxxx
OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT ' / Observation/ Exposure type
EXPTYPE = 'OBJECT ' / OBSTYPE is the new name for this
EXPNUM = 712672 / CFHT odometer number
OBSID = 712672 / CFHT odometer number
EXPTIME = 300.148 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPREQ = 300 / Requested integration time (seconds)
DARKTIME= 300.00 / Dark current time (seconds)
ORIGIN = 'CFHT ' / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
CRPIX1 = 1066.2 / WCS Coordinate reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 4633.7 / WCS Coordinate reference pixel
CD1_1 = 5.194E-05 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
CD1_2 = 0.0 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
CD2_1 = 0.0 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
CD2_2 = -5.194E-05 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
INSTRUME= 'MegaPrime'
INSTMODE= 'Normal ' / Instrument Mode
REGMODE = 'Normal ' / Registration Mode
RAOFF = 0.0 / Right ascension compensation
DECOFF = 0.0 / Declination compensation
OBJRA = '16:41:41.44' / Right ascension of object
OBJDEC = '+36:27:37.0' / Declination of object
BZERO = 32768.0 / Zero factor
BSCALE = 1.0 / Scale factor
BIASSEC = '[0:0,0:0]' / Dual amplifiers readout - see BSECA & BSECB
SHUTOPEN= 0.0000 / Shutter blade opening time (msec)
SHUTCLOS= 0.0000 / Shutter blade closing time (msec)
FILTER = 'i.MP9701' / Name of filter in position
FILTERID= 25 / Holder ID (see also FILTER)
QRUNID = '03AQ06 ' / Q RunID
QOBSERVE= 'Mary Laychak' / Name of Q Observer
QCOORD = 'Pierre Martin' / Name of Q Coordinator
QID = 30000600000000003295
QOBSEQID= 10001200000000008004
QICSEQID= 10001200000000011418
QOFFID = 10000200000000000574
REL_DATE= '2004-08-31T00:00:00' / UTC Release Date
COMMENT Telescope
COMMENT ---------
TELESCOP= 'CFHT 3.6m' / Hawaii Big Island, Mauna Kea
LATITUDE= 19.82610 / Latitude (degrees N)
LONGITUD= -155.4708 / Longitude (degrees E)
TELSTAT = 'Null ' / Telescope Control System status
DATE-OBS= '2003-07-31' / Date at start of observation (UTC)
UTIME = '10:03:39.60' / Time at start of observation (UT)
UTC-OBS = '10:03:39.60' / Time at start of observation (UTC)
MJDATE = 52851.4192083 / Modified Julian Date at start of observation
MJD-OBS = 52851.4192083 / Modified Julian Date at start of obs.
SIDTIME = '20:16:16.37' / Sidereal time at start of observation
LST-OBS = '20:16:16.37' / Sidereal time at start of exposure
EPOCH = 2000.0 / Equinox of coordinates
EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Equinox of coordinates
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinate system for equinox (FK4/FK5/GAPPT)
RA = '16:41:41.19' / Object right ascension
DEC = '36:27:46.9' / Object declination
RA_DEG = 250.42163 / Object right ascension in degrees
DEC_DEG = 36.463028 / Object declination in degrees
CRVAL1 = 250.42163 / WCS Ref value (RA in decimal degrees)
CRVAL2 = 36.463028 / WCS Ref value (DEC in decimal degrees)
CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / WCS Coordinate type
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / WCS Coordinate type
NGUIDER = 2 / TCS Number of guiders
NGUISTAR= 2 / TCS number of guide stars/probes in use
GUINAME = 'South field guider (North probe)' / TCS guider name
GUIEQUIN= 2000.0 / TCS guider equinox
GUIRADEC= 'FK5 ' / TCS guider system for equinox
GUIRA = '16:41:30.97' / TCS guider right ascension
GUIDEC = '35:48:23.3' / TCS guider declination
GUIRAPM = 0.00 / TCS guider right ascension proper motion arcsec
GUIDECPM= 0.00 / TCS guider declination proper motion arcsec
GUIOBJN = 'GSC2.2_N1322132438' / TCS guider object name
GUIMAGN = 13.6 / TCS guider object magnitude
XPROBE = -7.965 / Telescope bonnette guide probe X position
YPROBE = 14.592 / Telescope bonnette guide probe Y position
ZPROBE = -12.298 / Telescope bonnette guide probe Z position
GUIFLUX = -9999 / TCS guider flux
GUIFWHX = -9999.9 / TCS guider average x FWHM in pixels
GUIFWHY = -9999.9 / TCS guider average y FWHM in pixels
SKYFLUX = 0 / TCS total sky flux
GUINAME1= 'North field guider (South probe)' / TCS guider #1 identification
GUIEQUI1= 2000.0 / TCS guider #1 equinox
GUIRADE1= 'FK5 ' / TCS guider #1 system for equinox
GUIRA1 = '16:41:44.81' / TCS guider #1 right ascension
GUIDEC1 = '37:06:43.2' / TCS guider #1 declination
GUIRAPM1= 0.00 / TCS guider #1 right ascen proper motion arcsec
GUIDEPM1= 0.00 / TCS guider #1 declination proper motion arcsec
GUIOBJN1= 'GSC2.2_N1323131114' / TCS guider #1 object name
GUIMAGN1= 13.6 / TCS guider #1 object magnitude
GUIPOSX1= 4.557 / TCS guider #1 probe x position
GUIPOSY1= 9.370 / TCS guider #1 probe y position
GUIPOSZ1= -12.300 / TCS guider #1 probe z position
GUIFLUX1= -9999 / TCS guider #1 flux
GUIFWHX1= -9999.9 / TCS guider #1 average x FWHM in pixels
GUIFWHY1= -9999.9 / TCS guider #1 average y FWHM in pixels
GUINAME2= 'South field guider (North probe)' / TCS guider #2 identification
GUIEQUI2= 2000.0 / TCS guider #2 equinox
GUIRADE2= 'FK5 ' / TCS guider #2 system for equinox
GUIRA2 = '16:41:30.97' / TCS guider #2 right ascension
GUIDEC2 = '35:48:23.3' / TCS guider #2 declination
GUIRAPM2= 0.00 / TCS guider #2 right ascen proper motion arcsec
GUIDEPM2= 0.00 / TCS guider #2 declination proper motion arcsec
GUIOBJN2= 'GSC2.2_N1322132438' / TCS guider #2 object name
GUIMAGN2= 13.6 / TCS guider #2 object magnitude
GUIPOSX2= -7.965 / TCS guider #2 probe x position
GUIPOSY2= 14.592 / TCS guider #2 probe y position
GUIPOSZ2= -12.298 / TCS guider #2 probe z position
GUIFLUX2= -9999 / TCS guider #2 flux
GUIFWHX2= -9999.9 / TCS guider #2 average x FWHM in pixels
GUIFWHY2= -9999.9 / TCS guider #2 average y FWHM in pixels
AIRMASS = 1.537 / Airmass at start of observation
TELALT = -9999.9 / Telescope altitude at start of observation, deg
TELAZ = -9999.9 / Telescope azimuth at start of observation, deg
MOONANGL= -9999.9 / Angle from object to moon at start in degrees
FOCUSID = 'MegaPrime' / Telescope focus in use
TELCONF = 'MegaPrime' / Telescope focus in use
FOCUSPOS= 1500 / Telescope focus encoder readout
TELFOCUS= 1500 / Telescope focus encoder readout
BONANGLE= 0.0 / Telescope bonnette rotation angle in degrees
ROTANGLE= -9999.9 / Telescope bonnette rotation angle in degrees
ISUGAIN = 0.30 / Instrument Stabilization Unit control gain
ISURATE = 50.00 / ISU control rate in Hz
ISUTCSOR= 1.00 / ISU offload rate in Hz to telescope position
ISUSTATE= 'Full ' / ISU control state (Off/Only/TCS/Full/Frozen)
ISUSTDVX= 0.00 / ISU most recent minute std dev in x in arcsec
ISUSTDVY= 0.00 / ISU most recent minute std dev in y in arcsec
FSAGAIN = 0.30 / Focus Stage Assembly movement control gain
FSARATE = 0.02 / FSA control rate in Hz
FSATHRES= 0.100 / FSA movement threshold in mm
FSASTATE= 'None ' / FSA control state (Off/On/Paused)
FSANMOVE= 0 / FSA number of actual moves in last 10 minutes
FSAMINZ = 0.000 / FSA minimum position in last 10 minutes
FSAMAXZ = 0.000 / FSA maximum position in last 10 minutes
FSAMEANZ= 0.000 / FSA mean position in last 10 minutes
FSASTDVZ= 0.000 / FSA position std dev in last 10 minutes
RELHUMID= 6.290 / relative humidity, weathertron
TEA2INCH= 2.780 / temp, air, two inches above fifth floor deg C
TEA6FOOT= 3.240 / temp, air, six feet above fifth floor deg C
TEALOWWS= 1.090 / temp, air, dome lower ws side deg C
TEAPMIRE= 2.430 / temp, air, primary mirror east deg C
TEAPMIRW= 2.590 / temp, air, primary mirror west deg C
TEAPMSPN= 173.0 / temp, air, primary mirror spigot north deg C
TEAPMSPS= 364.6 / temp, air, primary mirror spigot south deg C
TEATOPOP= 1.060 / temp, air, dome top opposite ws deg C
TEATOPWS= 2.340 / temp, air, dome top ws side deg C
TEATRNGE= 3.150 / temp, air, top ring east deg C
TEATRNGW= 3.950 / temp, air, top ring west deg C
TEAUMIRE= 2.210 / temp, air, under primary mirror east deg C
TEAWTHRT= 4.800 / temp, air, weathertron deg C
TESCONRM= -4.200 / temp, surface, floor above control room deg C
TESFELEV= 2.430 / temp, surface, floor by freight elevatr deg C
TESPIERN= 9999. / temp, surface, floor by north pier deg C
TESPIERS= 3.230 / temp, surface, floor by south pier deg C
TESPMIRW= 2.060 / temp, surface, primary mirror west deg C
WINDDIR = 9.820 / wind direction (N=0 E=90 S=180 W=270)
WINDSPED= 12.22 / wind speed, weathertron (knots)
COMMENT Processing Pipeline
COMMENT -------------------
CRUNID = '03Am06 ' / Elixir camera run ID
HISTORY imsplice: FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Thu Jul 31 2003 - 0:34:53
HISTORY imsplice: Splicing the two readouts (A&B) per CCD into a unique image
HISTORY imsplice: Splicing results in all detectors as if read from A amplifier
HISTORY imsplice: NEXTEND keyword updated (/2) = number of CCDs vs. amplifiers
HISTORY imsplice: EXTNAME keyword becomes `ccdxx` instead of `ampxx`
HISTORY imsplice: AMPNAME keyword now covers both amplifiers (eg `29a + 29b')
HISTORY imsplice: keyword {GAIN, RDNOISE, MAXLIN} replaced by two keywords [A,B]
HISTORY imsplice: DATASEC and DETSEC keywords now reflect the entire CCD
HISTORY imsplice: BIASSEC becomes irrelevant -> replaced by BSECA & BSECB
HISTORY imsplice: New keywords are ASECA, ASECB, CSECA, CSECB
COMMENT Unique detector IDs for MegaCam (North on top, East to the left)
COMMENT --------------------------
COMMENT ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
COMMENT 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
COMMENT --------------------------------
COMMENT ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
COMMENT 36 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 37
COMMENT --------------------------------
COMMENT 38 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 39
COMMENT ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab
COMMENT --------------------------------
COMMENT 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
COMMENT ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab
COMMENT __________________________
COMMENT The two upper rows of CCDs are flipped, a=A amp, b=B amp
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
2. Elixir data
SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS
BITPIX = 16 / 16bit 2s complement 0..65535 (BZERO=32768)
NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1 = 2112 / Number of pixel columns
NAXIS2 = 4644 / Number of pixel rows
PCOUNT = 0 / Random parameters before each array in a group
GCOUNT = 1 / Number of random groups
COMMENT Observation Summary
COMMENT -------------------
CMMTSEQ = 'DP5[5/5] - Ref + [-3.0 10.0]'
OBJECT = 'N6205 fo'
PI_NAME = 'Gregory Fahlman'
RUNID = '03AC25 '
FILENAME= '712672p13.def' / Current filename after processing
PATHNAME= '/data.MegaPrime/piko/megacam/03AQ06-N12' / Original directory name at acquisiti
EXTNAME = 'ccd13 ' / CCD number in the mosaic
EXTVER = 13 / Now matches the CCD number in the mosaic
DATE = '2003-07-31T10:03:39.60' / UTC Date of file creation
HSTTIME = 'Thu Jul 31 00:08:48 HST 2003' / Local time in Hawaii
IMAGESWV= 'CFHT DetCom v4.33 (Jul 17 2003)' / Image creation software version
COMMENT file 712672o27, raster FULL, etype OBJECT, etime 300, filter filter_name
COMMENT Fully Characterized and Analysed by Elixir @ CFHT
DETECTOR= 'MegaCam '
COMMENT Unique amplifier IDs for MegaCam:
COMMENT -- -- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -- --
COMMENT 72 73 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 74 75
COMMENT 76 77 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 78 79
COMMENT -- -- 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 -- --
COMMENT Detector
COMMENT --------
DETSIZE = '[1:23219,1:19354]' / Total data pixels in full mosaic
CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors
CCDBIN1 = 1 / Binning factor along first axis
CCDBIN2 = 1 / Binning factor along second axis
PIXSIZE1= 13.5 / Pixel size for axis 1 (microns)
PIXSIZE2= 13.5 / Pixel size for axis 2 (microns)
PIXSCAL1= 0.1850 / Pixel scale for axis 1 (arcsec/pixel)
PIXSCAL2= 0.1850 / Pixel scale for axis 2 (arcsec/pixel)
AMPNAME = '13a + 13b' / List of amplifiers names for this image
AMPLIST = 'A ' / Data are now as if CCD read from A amp
CCDSIZE = '[1:2048,1:4612]' / Detector imaging area size
DETSEC = '[12628:10581,14320:9709]' / Mosaic area of the entire readout
DETSECA = '[12628:11605,14320:9709]' / Mosaic area of the A readout
DETSECB = '[10581:11604,14320:9709]' / Mosaic area of the B readout
DATASEC = '[33:2080,1:4612]' / Imaging area of the entire CCD in raw frame
IMMODE = 1929 / Imaging area mode
FLATSCAL= 0.000000000 / Mosaic flat-field scaling factor
IMMODEA = 1957 / Imaging area mode for A amplifier
IMMODEB = 1957 / Imaging area mode for B amplifier
ASECA = '[1:1056,1:4612]' / Section by A amplifier in raw frame
DSECA = '[33:1056,1:4612]' / Image area of A amplifier in raw frame
TSECA = '[33:1056,1:4612]' / Trim section of A amplifier = DSECA
BSECA = '[1:32,1:4644]' / Overscan of A amplifier in raw frame
CSECA = '[1:1024,1:4612]' / Section in full CCD after BSECA cut out
ASECB = '[1057:2112,1:4612]' / Section by B amplifier in raw frame
DSECB = '[1057:2080,1:4612]' / Image area of B amplifier in raw frame
TSECB = '[1057:2080,1:4612]' / Trim section of B amplifier = DSECB
BSECB = '[2081:2112,1:4644]' / Overscan of B amplifier in raw frame
CSECB = '[1025:2048,1:4612]' / Section in full CCD after BSECB cut out
CCD = 'Marconi/EEV CCD42-90'
CCDNAME = '8351-17-3' / Name of the CCD (manufacturer reference)
CCDNICK = 'Rodolphe' / Nickname of the CCD
MAXLIN = 69582 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU)
MAXLINA = 69582 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) - A amp
MAXLINB = 69582 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) - B amp
SATURATE= 69582 / Pixel saturation level (ADU)
GAIN = 1.5894 / Converting gain (e-/ADU)
GAINA = 1.5612 / Converting gain of A amplifier (e-/ADU)
GAINB = 1.6176 / Converting gain of B amplifier (e-/ADU)
RDNOISE = 3 / Read noise (electrons) = Average [A,B] amps
RDNOISEA= 3 / Read noise (electrons) A amplifier
RDNOISEB= 4 / Read noise (electrons) B amplifier
DARKCUR = 3.0 / Dark current (e-/pixel/hour)
QEPOINTS= '48%@350 86%@450 83%@550 78%@650 62%@750 38%@850 12%@950' / QE%@wavele
CONSWV = 'Not implemented' / Controller software DSPID and SERNO versions
DETSTAT = 'temp_status' / temp_status_comment
DETTEM = -133.000006103516 / Temp. Cold Plate (C)
INHERIT = F / No need to inherit global headers
TIMESYS = 'Null ' / Time System for DATExxxx
OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT ' / Observation/ Exposure type
EXPTYPE = 'OBJECT ' / OBSTYPE is the new name for this
EXPNUM = 712672 / CFHT odometer number
OBSID = 712672 / CFHT odometer number
EXPTIME = 300.148 / Measured integration time (seconds)
EXPREQ = 300 / Requested integration time (seconds)
DARKTIME= 300.00 / Dark current time (seconds)
ORIGIN = 'CFHT ' / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
CRPIX1 = 1066.2 / WCS Coordinate reference pixel
CRPIX2 = 4633.7 / WCS Coordinate reference pixel
CD1_1 = 5.194E-05 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
CD1_2 = 0.0 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
CD2_1 = 0.0 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
CD2_2 = -5.194E-05 / WCS Coordinate scale matrix
INSTRUME= 'MegaPrime'
INSTMODE= 'Normal ' / Instrument Mode
REGMODE = 'Normal ' / Registration Mode
RAOFF = 0.0 / Right ascension compensation
DECOFF = 0.0 / Declination compensation
OBJRA = '16:41:41.44' / Right ascension of object
OBJDEC = '+36:27:37.0' / Declination of object
BZERO = 34634.4400000000 / Zero factor
BSCALE = 1.0600000000 / Scale factor
BIASSEC = '[0:0,0:0]' / Dual amplifiers readout - see BSECA & BSECB
SHUTOPEN= 0.0000 / Shutter blade opening time (msec)
SHUTCLOS= 0.0000 / Shutter blade closing time (msec)
FILTER = 'i.MP9701' / Name of filter in position
FILTERID= 25 / Holder ID (see also FILTER)
QRUNID = '03AQ06 ' / Q RunID
QOBSERVE= 'Mary Laychak' / Name of Q Observer
QCOORD = 'Pierre Martin' / Name of Q Coordinator
QID = 30000600000000003295
QOBSEQID= 10001200000000008004
QICSEQID= 10001200000000011418
QOFFID = 10000200000000000574
REL_DATE= '2004-08-31T00:00:00' / UTC Release Date
COMMENT Telescope
COMMENT ---------
TELESCOP= 'CFHT 3.6m' / Hawaii Big Island, Mauna Kea
LATITUDE= 19.82610 / Latitude (degrees N)
LONGITUD= -155.4708 / Longitude (degrees E)
TELSTAT = 'Null ' / Telescope Control System status
DATE-OBS= '2003-07-31' / Date at start of observation (UTC)
UTIME = '10:03:39.60' / Time at start of observation (UT)
UTC-OBS = '10:03:39.60' / Time at start of observation (UTC)
MJDATE = 52851.4192083 / Modified Julian Date at start of observation
MJD-OBS = 52851.4192083 / Modified Julian Date at start of obs.
SIDTIME = '20:16:16.37' / Sidereal time at start of observation
LST-OBS = '20:16:16.37' / Sidereal time at start of exposure
EPOCH = 2000.0 / Equinox of coordinates
EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Equinox of coordinates
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinate system for equinox (FK4/FK5/GAPPT)
RA = '16:41:41.19' / Object right ascension
DEC = '36:27:46.9' / Object declination
RA_DEG = 250.42163 / Object right ascension in degrees
DEC_DEG = 36.463028 / Object declination in degrees
CRVAL1 = 250.42163 / WCS Ref value (RA in decimal degrees)
CRVAL2 = 36.463028 / WCS Ref value (DEC in decimal degrees)
CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / WCS Coordinate type
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / WCS Coordinate type
NGUIDER = 2 / TCS Number of guiders
NGUISTAR= 2 / TCS number of guide stars/probes in use
GUINAME = 'South field guider (North probe)' / TCS guider name
GUIEQUIN= 2000.0 / TCS guider equinox
GUIRADEC= 'FK5 ' / TCS guider system for equinox
GUIRA = '16:41:30.97' / TCS guider right ascension
GUIDEC = '35:48:23.3' / TCS guider declination
GUIRAPM = 0.00 / TCS guider right ascension proper motion arcsec
GUIDECPM= 0.00 / TCS guider declination proper motion arcsec
GUIOBJN = 'GSC2.2_N1322132438' / TCS guider object name
GUIMAGN = 13.6 / TCS guider object magnitude
XPROBE = -7.965 / Telescope bonnette guide probe X position
YPROBE = 14.592 / Telescope bonnette guide probe Y position
ZPROBE = -12.298 / Telescope bonnette guide probe Z position
GUIFLUX = -9999 / TCS guider flux
GUIFWHX = -9999.9 / TCS guider average x FWHM in pixels
GUIFWHY = -9999.9 / TCS guider average y FWHM in pixels
SKYFLUX = 0 / TCS total sky flux
GUINAME1= 'North field guider (South probe)' / TCS guider #1 identification
GUIEQUI1= 2000.0 / TCS guider #1 equinox
GUIRADE1= 'FK5 ' / TCS guider #1 system for equinox
GUIRA1 = '16:41:44.81' / TCS guider #1 right ascension
GUIDEC1 = '37:06:43.2' / TCS guider #1 declination
GUIRAPM1= 0.00 / TCS guider #1 right ascen proper motion arcsec
GUIDEPM1= 0.00 / TCS guider #1 declination proper motion arcsec
GUIOBJN1= 'GSC2.2_N1323131114' / TCS guider #1 object name
GUIMAGN1= 13.6 / TCS guider #1 object magnitude
GUIPOSX1= 4.557 / TCS guider #1 probe x position
GUIPOSY1= 9.370 / TCS guider #1 probe y position
GUIPOSZ1= -12.300 / TCS guider #1 probe z position
GUIFLUX1= -9999 / TCS guider #1 flux
GUIFWHX1= -9999.9 / TCS guider #1 average x FWHM in pixels
GUIFWHY1= -9999.9 / TCS guider #1 average y FWHM in pixels
GUINAME2= 'South field guider (North probe)' / TCS guider #2 identification
GUIEQUI2= 2000.0 / TCS guider #2 equinox
GUIRADE2= 'FK5 ' / TCS guider #2 system for equinox
GUIRA2 = '16:41:30.97' / TCS guider #2 right ascension
GUIDEC2 = '35:48:23.3' / TCS guider #2 declination
GUIRAPM2= 0.00 / TCS guider #2 right ascen proper motion arcsec
GUIDEPM2= 0.00 / TCS guider #2 declination proper motion arcsec
GUIOBJN2= 'GSC2.2_N1322132438' / TCS guider #2 object name
GUIMAGN2= 13.6 / TCS guider #2 object magnitude
GUIPOSX2= -7.965 / TCS guider #2 probe x position
GUIPOSY2= 14.592 / TCS guider #2 probe y position
GUIPOSZ2= -12.298 / TCS guider #2 probe z position
GUIFLUX2= -9999 / TCS guider #2 flux
GUIFWHX2= -9999.9 / TCS guider #2 average x FWHM in pixels
GUIFWHY2= -9999.9 / TCS guider #2 average y FWHM in pixels
AIRMASS = 1.537 / Airmass at start of observation
TELALT = -9999.9 / Telescope altitude at start of observation, deg
TELAZ = -9999.9 / Telescope azimuth at start of observation, deg
MOONANGL= -9999.9 / Angle from object to moon at start in degrees
FOCUSID = 'MegaPrime' / Telescope focus in use
TELCONF = 'MegaPrime' / Telescope focus in use
FOCUSPOS= 1500 / Telescope focus encoder readout
TELFOCUS= 1500 / Telescope focus encoder readout
BONANGLE= 0.0 / Telescope bonnette rotation angle in degrees
ROTANGLE= -9999.9 / Telescope bonnette rotation angle in degrees
ISUGAIN = 0.30 / Instrument Stabilization Unit control gain
ISURATE = 50.00 / ISU control rate in Hz
ISUTCSOR= 1.00 / ISU offload rate in Hz to telescope position
ISUSTATE= 'Full ' / ISU control state (Off/Only/TCS/Full/Frozen)
ISUSTDVX= 0.00 / ISU most recent minute std dev in x in arcsec
ISUSTDVY= 0.00 / ISU most recent minute std dev in y in arcsec
FSAGAIN = 0.30 / Focus Stage Assembly movement control gain
FSARATE = 0.02 / FSA control rate in Hz
FSATHRES= 0.100 / FSA movement threshold in mm
FSASTATE= 'None ' / FSA control state (Off/On/Paused)
FSANMOVE= 0 / FSA number of actual moves in last 10 minutes
FSAMINZ = 0.000 / FSA minimum position in last 10 minutes
FSAMAXZ = 0.000 / FSA maximum position in last 10 minutes
FSAMEANZ= 0.000 / FSA mean position in last 10 minutes
FSASTDVZ= 0.000 / FSA position std dev in last 10 minutes
RELHUMID= 6.290 / relative humidity, weathertron
TEA2INCH= 2.780 / temp, air, two inches above fifth floor deg C
TEA6FOOT= 3.240 / temp, air, six feet above fifth floor deg C
TEALOWWS= 1.090 / temp, air, dome lower ws side deg C
TEAPMIRE= 2.430 / temp, air, primary mirror east deg C
TEAPMIRW= 2.590 / temp, air, primary mirror west deg C
TEAPMSPN= 173.0 / temp, air, primary mirror spigot north deg C
TEAPMSPS= 364.6 / temp, air, primary mirror spigot south deg C
TEATOPOP= 1.060 / temp, air, dome top opposite ws deg C
TEATOPWS= 2.340 / temp, air, dome top ws side deg C
TEATRNGE= 3.150 / temp, air, top ring east deg C
TEATRNGW= 3.950 / temp, air, top ring west deg C
TEAUMIRE= 2.210 / temp, air, under primary mirror east deg C
TEAWTHRT= 4.800 / temp, air, weathertron deg C
TESCONRM= -4.200 / temp, surface, floor above control room deg C
TESFELEV= 2.430 / temp, surface, floor by freight elevatr deg C
TESPIERN= 9999. / temp, surface, floor by north pier deg C
TESPIERS= 3.230 / temp, surface, floor by south pier deg C
TESPMIRW= 2.060 / temp, surface, primary mirror west deg C
WINDDIR = 9.820 / wind direction (N=0 E=90 S=180 W=270)
WINDSPED= 12.22 / wind speed, weathertron (knots)
COMMENT Processing Pipeline
COMMENT -------------------
CRUNID = '03Am06 ' / Elixir camera run ID
HISTORY imsplice: FLIPS ver 2.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Thu Jul 31 2003 - 0:34:53
HISTORY imsplice: Splicing the two readouts (A&B) per CCD into a unique image
HISTORY imsplice: Splicing results in all detectors as if read from A amplifier
HISTORY imsplice: NEXTEND keyword updated (/2) = number of CCDs vs. amplifiers
HISTORY imsplice: EXTNAME keyword becomes `ccdxx` instead of `ampxx`
HISTORY imsplice: AMPNAME keyword now covers both amplifiers (eg `29a + 29b')
HISTORY imsplice: keyword {GAIN, RDNOISE, MAXLIN} replaced by two keywords [A,B]
HISTORY imsplice: DATASEC and DETSEC keywords now reflect the entire CCD
HISTORY imsplice: BIASSEC becomes irrelevant -> replaced by BSECA & BSECB
HISTORY imsplice: New keywords are ASECA, ASECB, CSECA, CSECB
COMMENT Unique detector IDs for MegaCam (North on top, East to the left)
COMMENT --------------------------
COMMENT ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
COMMENT 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
COMMENT --------------------------------
COMMENT ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
COMMENT 36 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 37
COMMENT --------------------------------
COMMENT 38 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 39
COMMENT ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab
COMMENT --------------------------------
COMMENT 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
COMMENT ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab
COMMENT __________________________
COMMENT The two upper rows of CCDs are flipped, a=A amp, b=B amp
HISTORY imred: FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:31:58
COMMENT imred: Elixir / Flips2 flatten.flips
HISTORY imred: Input image: 712672o.fits[ccd13]
HISTORY imred: Output image: 712672p13.det
HISTORY imred: Camera offset correction with overscan level subtraction
HISTORY imred: Overscan A amp computed from [1:32,1:4644] = 1234 ADU
HISTORY imred: Overscan B amp computed from [2081:2112,1:4644] = 1217 ADU
HISTORY imred: Overscan model: 1D median Y axis vector in bias section
HISTORY imred: Mask bad pixels: * 2003A.mask.0.36.00.fits[ccd13]
HISTORY imred: Bias structures: - 03Am06.bias.0.36.00.fits[ccd13] (mode A_amp=0
HISTORY imred: Flat-fielding: * 1.0 / 03Am06.flat.i.36.02.fits[ccd13]
HISTORY imred: Normalized flat-field (ref. scaling factor= 1.1)
HISTORY imred: Preserving dynamic: stretching 65K ADU range by 1.063 (BSCALe)
IMRED_DT= 'FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:31:58' / Date
IMRED_IF= '712672o.fits[ccd13]' / Input file to process by imred
IMRED_OF= '712672p13.det' / Output file resulting from the process by imred
IMRED_MK= '2003A.mask.0.36.00.fits[ccd13]' / Mask of bad pixels (0/1) input file
IMRED_OV= '1DYMODEL_OVERSCAN' / Type of overscan level correction
IMRED_BS= '03Am06.bias.0.36.00.fits[ccd13]' / Bias frame input file
IMRED_FF= '03Am06.flat.i.36.02.fits[ccd13]' / Flat-field frame input file
IMRED_NF= T / Normalized flat-field
IMRED_SF= 1.063288212 / Output file dynamic stretching factor (BSCALe)
HISTORY imcombred: FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:37:29
COMMENT imcombred: Elixir Defringing
HISTORY imcombred: Output image: 712672p13.def (16 bits)
HISTORY imcombred: Fringing correction: scaled difference of 2 images
HISTORY imcombred: Thresholding inputs from -100.00 to 130000.00 ADUs
HISTORY imcombred: Fringe image correction: mode offsetting + fringe rescaling
HISTORY imcombred: 712672p13.det 1960 1.000
HISTORY imcombred: 03Am06.fringe.i.36.01.fits[ccd13] 2860 3.255
IMCMB_DT= 'FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:37:29' / Date
IMCMB_AL= 'SD ' / CCD or SIGMA clipping, Scaled or Weighted Diff.
IMCMB_CA= 'SCALED_DIFFERENCE' / Combining algorithm on final stack
IMCMB_FT= 'DEFRINGE_SCIENCE' / Stacked frame type
IMCMB_NI= 2 / Number of input files
IMCMB_DA= F / Dual amplifier A,B (IMCMB_XX list format)
IMCMB_IF= 'NAME BIAS MODE SCALING' / Input file parameters
IMCMB_00= '712672p13.det 0 1960 1.000' / Input file stats
IMCMB_01= '03Am06.fringe.i.36.01.fits[ccd13] 0 2860 3.255' / Input file stats
COMMENT --------------- Elixir Analysis ---------------
COMMENT Elixir: processing performed @ CFHT, version 2.0
COMMENT Elixir: version: 2.0
COMMENT Elixir: processing date: 2003-11-05T14:56:45
COMMENT Elixir: website:
COMMENT Elixir: email:
COMMENT Elixir: team: Eugene Magnier & Jean-Charles Cuillandre
DATEPROC= '2003-11-05T14:56:45' / Processing Date
EL_SYS = '2.0 ' / Elixir System Version
COMMENT Elixir: no astrometry solution for this image
PHOT_C = 25.7150 / Elixir zero point - measured for camera run
PHOT_CS = 0.0048 / Elixir zero point - scatter
PHOT_NS = 19 / Elixir zero point - N stars
PHOT_NM = 5 / Elixir zero point - N images
PHOT_C0 = 25.7430 / Elixir zero point - nominal
PHOT_X = 0.0830 / Elixir zero point - color term
PHOT_K = -0.0400 / Elixir zero point - airmass term
PHOT_C1 = 'r_SDSS ' / Elixir zero point - color 1
PHOT_C2 = 'i_SDSS ' / Elixir zero point - color 2
COMMENT Photometric Analysis is incomplete for this image.
COMMENT MAG_SAT and MAG_LIM cannot be determined.
COMMENT Formula for Photometry, based on keywords given in this header:
COMMENT m = -2.5*log(DN) + 2.5*log(EXPTIME)
COMMENT --------------- Elixir Analysis (end) ---------------
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
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COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT Reserved space. This line can be used to add a new FITS card.
COMMENT SVD Mode map applied using Elixir demodemap 2.0.0
COMMENT SVD Mode file: 2003A-mode-v2.modes.i.36.01.fits
MODE_IN = / SVD Mode file
MODE_N = 8 / Number of SVD Modes
MODE_0 = -1540.2098900000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 0
MODE_1 = 81.1006085000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 1
MODE_2 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 2
MODE_3 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 3
MODE_4 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 4
MODE_5 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 5
MODE_6 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 6
MODE_7 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 7
3. Differences between the two headers
< FILENAME= '712672o' / Current filename after processing
> FILENAME= '712672p13.def' / Current filename after processing
> COMMENT Fully Characterized and Analysed by Elixir @ CFHT
< AMPLIST = 'A B ' / List of amplifiers for this CCD
> AMPLIST = 'A ' / Data are now as if CCD read from A amp
> IMMODE = 1929 / Imaging area mode
> FLATSCAL= 0.000000000 / Mosaic flat-field scaling factor
> IMMODEA = 1957 / Imaging area mode for A amplifier
> IMMODEB = 1957 / Imaging area mode for B amplifier
< MAXLIN = 65535 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) = Average
< MAXLINA = 65535 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) A amp
< MAXLINB = 65535 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) B amp
< SATURATE= 65535 / Saturation value (ADU)
< GAIN = 1.6900 / Converting gain (e-/ADU) = Average [A,B] amps
< GAINA = 1.6600 / Converting gain of A amplifier (e-/ADU)
< GAINB = 1.7200 / Converting gain of B amplifier (e-/ADU)
> MAXLIN = 69582 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU)
> MAXLINA = 69582 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) - A amp
> MAXLINB = 69582 / Level at 1% linearity departure (ADU) - B amp
> SATURATE= 69582 / Pixel saturation level (ADU)
> GAIN = 1.5894 / Converting gain (e-/ADU)
> GAINA = 1.5612 / Converting gain of A amplifier (e-/ADU)
> GAINB = 1.6176 / Converting gain of B amplifier (e-/ADU)
< BZERO = 32768.0 / Zero factor
< BSCALE = 1.0 / Scale factor
> BZERO = 34634.4400000000 / Zero factor
> BSCALE = 1.0600000000 / Scale factor
> HISTORY imred: FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:31:58
> COMMENT imred: Elixir / Flips2 flatten.flips
> HISTORY imred: Input image: 712672o.fits[ccd13]
> HISTORY imred: Output image: 712672p13.det
> HISTORY imred: Camera offset correction with overscan level subtraction
> HISTORY imred: Overscan A amp computed from [1:32,1:4644] = 1234 ADU
> HISTORY imred: Overscan B amp computed from [2081:2112,1:4644] = 1217 ADU
> HISTORY imred: Overscan model: 1D median Y axis vector in bias section
> HISTORY imred: Mask bad pixels: * 2003A.mask.0.36.00.fits[ccd13]
> HISTORY imred: Bias structures: - 03Am06.bias.0.36.00.fits[ccd13] (mode A_amp=0
> HISTORY imred: Flat-fielding: * 1.0 / 03Am06.flat.i.36.02.fits[ccd13]
> HISTORY imred: Normalized flat-field (ref. scaling factor= 1.1)
> HISTORY imred: Preserving dynamic: stretching 65K ADU range by 1.063 (BSCALe)
> IMRED_DT= 'FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:31:58' / Date
> IMRED_IF= '712672o.fits[ccd13]' / Input file to process by imred
> IMRED_OF= '712672p13.det' / Output file resulting from the process by imred
> IMRED_MK= '2003A.mask.0.36.00.fits[ccd13]' / Mask of bad pixels (0/1) input file
> IMRED_OV= '1DYMODEL_OVERSCAN' / Type of overscan level correction
> IMRED_BS= '03Am06.bias.0.36.00.fits[ccd13]' / Bias frame input file
> IMRED_FF= '03Am06.flat.i.36.02.fits[ccd13]' / Flat-field frame input file
> IMRED_NF= T / Normalized flat-field
> IMRED_SF= 1.063288212 / Output file dynamic stretching factor (BSCALe)
> HISTORY imcombred: FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:37:29
> COMMENT imcombred: Elixir Defringing
> HISTORY imcombred: Output image: 712672p13.def (16 bits)
> HISTORY imcombred: Fringing correction: scaled difference of 2 images
> HISTORY imcombred: Thresholding inputs from -100.00 to 130000.00 ADUs
> HISTORY imcombred: Fringe image correction: mode offsetting + fringe rescaling
> HISTORY imcombred: 712672p13.det 1960 1.000
> HISTORY imcombred: 03Am06.fringe.i.36.01.fits[ccd13] 2860 3.255
> IMCMB_DT= 'FLIPS ver 3.0 - Elixir by CFHT - Wed Nov 5 2003 - 14:37:29' / Date
> IMCMB_AL= 'SD ' / CCD or SIGMA clipping, Scaled or Weighted Diff.
> IMCMB_CA= 'SCALED_DIFFERENCE' / Combining algorithm on final stack
> IMCMB_FT= 'DEFRINGE_SCIENCE' / Stacked frame type
> IMCMB_NI= 2 / Number of input files
> IMCMB_DA= F / Dual amplifier A,B (IMCMB_XX list format)
> IMCMB_IF= 'NAME BIAS MODE SCALING' / Input file parameters
> IMCMB_00= '712672p13.det 0 1960 1.000' / Input file stats
> IMCMB_01= '03Am06.fringe.i.36.01.fits[ccd13] 0 2860 3.255' / Input file stats
> COMMENT --------------- Elixir Analysis ---------------
> COMMENT Elixir: processing performed @ CFHT, version 2.0
> COMMENT Elixir: version: 2.0
> COMMENT Elixir: processing date: 2003-11-05T14:56:45
> COMMENT Elixir: website:
> COMMENT Elixir: email:
> COMMENT Elixir: team: Eugene Magnier & Jean-Charles Cuillandre
> DATEPROC= '2003-11-05T14:56:45' / Processing Date
> EL_SYS = '2.0 ' / Elixir System Version
> COMMENT Elixir: no astrometry solution for this image
> PHOT_C = 25.7150 / Elixir zero point - measured for camera run
> PHOT_CS = 0.0048 / Elixir zero point - scatter
> PHOT_NS = 19 / Elixir zero point - N stars
> PHOT_NM = 5 / Elixir zero point - N images
> PHOT_C0 = 25.7430 / Elixir zero point - nominal
> PHOT_X = 0.0830 / Elixir zero point - color term
> PHOT_K = -0.0400 / Elixir zero point - airmass term
> PHOT_C1 = 'r_SDSS ' / Elixir zero point - color 1
> PHOT_C2 = 'i_SDSS ' / Elixir zero point - color 2
> COMMENT Photometric Analysis is incomplete for this image.
> COMMENT MAG_SAT and MAG_LIM cannot be determined.
> COMMENT Formula for Photometry, based on keywords given in this header:
> COMMENT m = -2.5*log(DN) + 2.5*log(EXPTIME)
> COMMENT --------------- Elixir Analysis (end) ---------------
> UNSIGN = F /
> COMMENT SVD Mode map applied using Elixir demodemap 2.0.0
> COMMENT SVD Mode file: 2003A-mode-v2.modes.i.36.01.fits
> MODE_IN = / SVD Mode file
> MODE_N = 8 / Number of SVD Modes
> MODE_0 = -1540.2098900000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 0
> MODE_1 = 81.1006085000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 1
> MODE_2 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 2
> MODE_3 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 3
> MODE_4 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 4
> MODE_5 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 5
> MODE_6 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 6
> MODE_7 = 0.0000000000 / Amplitude of SVD Mode 7