Periodically throughout a run, the Elixir Real Time monitors page is updated. This page is located here. This page explains and describes the different columns located on that page.
An example entry from the ElixirRT monitor page:
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o|21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
Here is the quick field guide to explaining the different columns. More details can be found in the links below.
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
Image - odometer number of the image plus an additional character. Examples:
2602665o - science image
o - science
f - flat
d - dark
b - bias
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
RunID - the run id for this run. You will see things like: 21AQ09
21 : 2 digit year
A : will be A or B depending on the semester
Q : will always be Q
09 : 9th run of the semester
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
HST Observing Date - will have this format: Apr 01 19:46:57 21
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
PIP - will have a letter, followed by 2 numbers: Q97.
Q : calibrations
P : large programs
D : Discretionary
H/C/F/T/S/O : different agencies (hawaii, canada, france, etc)
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
ExT - exposure time in seconds
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
Filter - filter name and id. Will have things like:
r.MP9602 - r band, MP9602. More info on all filters here.
The filters currently available are here
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
Airm - airmass of the exposure
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
IQ - image quality of the exposure, as calculated by elixir. Note that trailed
exposures will possibly be incorrect.
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
SkyB - sky background, as calculated by elixir, in in ADU on the raw data. This is the median value of the stack of the 40 measurements.
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
QSO flg - has 4 parts
1. Sky transparency
2. Service observer rating
3. QC exposure validation
4. QC Observing Group validation
A perfect exposure would be 'P 1 V Q', each of these flags can have the
following values:
P 1 V Q
| | | |
| | | +---> Q = qualified
| | | D = dismissed
| | |
| | +------> V = validated - meets science goals defined by the PI, time ded.
| | O = observed - does not meet the scient goals, no time deducted
| | X = no data on this available
| |
| +-----------> 1 = meets or exceeds conditions defined by the PI
| 2 = taken almost within conditions defined by the PI (1 bad?)
| 3 = taken in worse conditions (1-3 parameters are bad)
| 4 = horrible conditions, not sciencable
| 5 = completely lost cause, unusable
| X = no data on this available
+----------------> P = photometric
A = absorbed
X = no data on this available
| |
Longer explanation here
Image |RunID HST Observing Date|PIP|ExT| Filter |Airm|IQ SkyB|QSO Flg|Elixir RT|
2602665o |21AQ09 Apr 01 19:46:57 21|Q97|180|u.MP9302|1.19|0.87 61|P 1 O D|A M L R S|
| |
Elixir RT flag, has 5 parts:
A perfect set of flags would be 'A M L R S':
| | | | |
| | | | +---> image has had it's statistics calculated
| | | |
| | | +-------> image has been registered in the elixir database
| | |
| | +-----------> link for image in /data/elixir5/rawdir/ultracam/$RUNID
| |
| +---------------> link for image in /data/kapu/elixir/megaprime
+--------------------> archived by DADS and can be found in
| |
An X will mark which stage of processing failed - so an X instead of an R
denotes that an image did not get registered to the elixir database. More detailshere