accum | accumulate vector values in another vector |
applyfit | apply fit coeffs to generate vector |
applyfit2d | apply fit coeffs to generate vector |
biassub | subtract medianed overscan row or column |
box | draw a box on the plot |
buffers | list the currently allocated buffers |
buftovec | convert an image buffer to a single vector |
center | center the Kii window at coords |
clear | erase plot |
clip | clip values in a buffer to be within a range |
cmpload | load stars from a cmp file on overlay |
concat | expand vector dimension |
contour | send contour to overlay |
coords | load coordinates for buffer from file |
create | create a new vector |
cursor | get coordinates from the Kii window |
cut | extract a cut across an image |
cval | small median image |
datafile | define file to read vectors |
delete | delete a buffer |
demux | demux an image pixels interleaved in Nx by Ny sections |
device | set / get current graphics device | |
dimendown | convert matrix to vector |
dimenup | convert vector to matrix |
drizzle | transform image to image |
erase | erase objects on an overlay |
extract | extract a portion of a buffer into another buffer |
fft1d | fft on the pixel-stream in an image |
fft2d | fft on an image |
file | test file |
fit | least-squares fit to vectors |
fit2d | least-squares fit to vectors |
flux | flux in a convex contour |
gauss | get statistics on a star, assuming gaussian profile |
gaussj | solve Ax = B (N-D) |
getchr | find character in string |
grid | wait until return is typed |
header | print buffer header |
histogram | histogram of vector |
imfit | fit function |
imhist | histogram of an image region |
integrate | integrate a vector |
interpolate | interpolate between vector pairs |
jpeg | interpolate between vector pairs |
kern | convolve with 3x3 kernel |
keyword | extract a FITS keyword from buffer header |
labels | define labels for plot |
limits | define plot limits |
load | load an SAOimage style overlay |
mcreate | create a matrix |
medianmap | small median image |
memory | long listing of the allocated memory |
mget | extract a vector from a matrix |
minterp | interpolate image pixels |
mkgauss | insert a gaussian in an image |
mset | insert a vector in a matrix |
multifit | solve for overlapping orders in ESI data |
objload | load stars from an obj file on overlay |
outline | vector statistics |
peak | find vector peak in range |
plot | plot a pair of vectors |
point | load overlay with single point |
profile | radial profile at X, Y |
ps | make PS file from Kii |
rd | read an image from a file |
read | read vectors from datafile |
rebin | rebin data by factor of N |
resize | change Kii window size |
roll | roll image to new start point |
rotate | rotate image |
save | save an SAOimage style overlay |
scalen | get / set real bzero / bscale values |
section | define section of graph |
select | selective vector assignment |
set | do image arithmetic |
sexigesimal | convert to/from sexigesimal/decimal |
shift | shift data in an image |
simsignal | simulate sine-wave with Nbit A/D and given S/N |
sort | sort vectors by key |
spline.apply | apply spline fit to generate an image |
spline.construct | create spline 2nd deriv. terms |
sprintf | formatted print to a variable |
star | star stats at rough coords |
stats | give statistics on a portion of a buffer |
strlen | string length |
style | set the style for graph plots |
subset | reduce vector dimension |
substr | substring |
svd | singular value decomposition of a matrix |
swapbytes | byte swap thing |
textline | write text on Kapa window |
tv | display an image on the Kii window |
uniq | create a uniq vector subset from a vector |
unsign | toggle the UNSIGN status |
vclip | clip values in a vector to be within a range |
vcontour | create contour vectors |
vectors | list vectors |
vstat | vector statistics |
wd | write an image to a file |
write | write vectors to datafile |
zap | delete pixels |
zplot | plot x y with size scaled by z |