abszero | find filter zeropts |
applyfit | apply fit to new vector |
applyfit2d | apply 2-d fit to new vector |
badimages | look for images with anomalous astrometry |
box | draw a box on the plot |
buffers | list the currently allocated buffers |
calextract | extract photometry calibration |
calmextract | extract photometry calibration |
cals | plot calibration data |
catalog | plot catalog stars |
ccd | plot color-color diagram |
ccdextract | extract star coords from color-color diagram |
center | center image on coords |
cgrid | plot sky coordinate grid |
clear | erase plot |
cmatch | match two catalogs |
cmd | plot cmd of stars in current region |
cmdextract | extract stars based on cmd regions |
cmpread | read data from cmp format files |
concat | reduce vector dimension |
contour | create contour from image |
cplot | plot vectors in sky coordinates |
create | create a new vector |
csystem | convert between coordinate systems |
ctimes | convert between time formats |
cursor | get coords from cursor |
czplot | plot scaled vectors in sky coordinates |
datafile | define file to read vectors |
date | get current date |
ddmagextr | plot magnitude differences |
ddmags | plot magnitude differences |
delete | delete vectors or matrices |
device | set / get current graphics device |
dmagextract | extract stars based on differential magnitudes between filters |
dmags | plot differential magnitudes between filters |
dmt | plot mag scatter |
dumpmags | custom dB dumping thingy |
elixir | get status info from elixir |
extract | extract vectors from catalogs |
file | test for a file |
fit | fit polynomial to vector pair |
fit2d | fit 2-d polynomial to vector triplet |
gaussj | solve Ax = B (N-D)\n |
gcat | get catalog at location |
gimages | get images at location |
grid | plot cartesian grid |
gstar | get star statistics |
gtypes | get type fractions |
histogram | generate histogram from vector |
images | plot image boxes |
imbox | plot expected image box |
imdata | extract data for specific images |
imdense | image density plot |
imextract | extract vectors from catalogs |
imlist | list image info |
imphot | image photometry info |
imrough | get info from imruf database |
imsearch | get info from imreg database |
imstats | plot image statistics |
interpolate | interpolate between vector pairs |
jpeg | write text line on graph |
labels | define labels for plot |
lcat | list catalogs in region |
lcurve | plot lightcurve for a star |
limits | define plot limits |
mcreate | create a matrix |
mextract | extract vectors from catalogs |
mget | extract a vector from a matrix |
mset | insert a vector in a matrix |
pcat | plot catalog boundaries |
photcodes | list photometry codes |
photresid | plot photometry residuals |
plot | plot a pair of vectors |
pmeasure | plot individual measurements |
precess | precess coordinates |
print | write vectors to file |
procks | plot rocks |
ps | define labels for plot |
rd | load fits image |
read | read vectors from datafile |
region | define sky region for plot |
resid | plot residuals |
resize | set graphics/image window size |
section | define section of graph |
set | vector math |
simage | plot stars in an image |
sort | sort list of vectors |
sprintf | formated print to variable |
stats | give statistics on a portion of a buffer |
style | set the style for graph plots |
subpix | get subpixel positions |
subraster | subraster of fits image |
subset | expand vector dimension |
textline | write text line on graph |
tv | display an image on the Kii window |
uniq | create a uniq vector subset from a vector |
vclip | clip a vector |
vectobuf | convert vector triplet to buffer |
vectors | list vectors |
vstat | get info from imreg database |
wd | write an image to a file |
write | write vectors to datafile |
zap | delete pixels |
zeropts | show filter zeropts |
zplot | plot x y with size scaled by z |