options which limit the image selection |
-label (label) | select images by label |
-ID (ID) | select images by ID |
-order (N) | select images by order |
-type (type) | select images by type (FLAT, etc) |
-mode (mode) | select images by mode (MEF, etc) |
-ccd (ccdID) | select images by CCD ID |
-exptime (seconds) | select images by exposure time |
-filter (name) | select images by filter |
-time (time) | select images for given point in time |
-trange (start) (stop) | select images for given time range |
-entry (entry) | select images by entry number |
-match (number) | select images by match number |
-name (name) | select images by name |
-mosaic (filename) | select images appropriate to given mosaic |
-image (file) (ccd) (mode) | select images appropriate to given CCD image |
options which modify the output format |
-tstop | print stop time, not start time |
-treg | print registration time, not start time |
-ve | print SUCCESS / FAILURE on exit |
-quiet | do not print SUCCESS / FAILURE on exit |
-fits (output) | write ASCII FITS table (appropriate for CFHT-LS) |
-binfits(output) | write binary FITS table (can be used as database table) |
-chipname | provide chip-specific name for MEF entry (ie flat.fits[ccd00]) |
options which modify the behavior |
-select | select 'best' detrend image, include complete path |
-recipe | select all detrend images in recipe for this filter |
-h, --help | list help information |
-criteria | list input criteria, not database entries |
options which modify the database table |
-delete, -del | delete the selected images |
-altpath add | add selected images to altpath |
-altpath del | remove selected images from altpath |
-altpath update | update altpath value based on file existence |
-modify | modify selected database fields |