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Sample Image Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / Basic FITS format
BITPIX  =                   16 / FITS bits per pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes
NAXIS1  =                 2088 / Number of pixels per row
NAXIS2  =                 2048 / Number of rows
OBSERVER= 'Steve   '           / Observer's name(s)
OBSERVAT= 'CFHT 3.6m'          / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
ORIGIN  = 'CFHT 3.6m'          / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
DETECTOR= 'loral3  '           / detector used
INSTRUME= 'ccdwm   '           / instrument used
RUNID   = 'Engineering'        / run identification number - not implemented
IRAFNAME= 'Null    '           / for simpler data reduction purposes
EXPNUM  =               314227 / exposure identification number
OBJECT  = 'Loral3 test'        / object of observation
OBSTYPE = 'bias    '           / object, calibration, flat, bias, etc
BSCALE  =                  1.0 / real = tape*bscale + bzero
BZERO   =                  0.0 / offset
DETSIZE1=                 2048 / detector size in axis 1 direction
DETSIZE2=                 2048 / detector size in axis 2 direction
X0      =                    0 / column address of starting pixel
Y0      =                    0 / row address of starting pixel
XBIN    =                    1 / column binning factor       
YBIN    =                    1 / row binning factor
CTYPE1  = 'PIXEL   '           / axis1 is in pixels
CTYPE2  = 'PIXEL   '           / axis2 is in pixels
PIXSIZE =                   15 / pixel size (microns)
ESCALE  =                 1.45 / NOMINAL scale (e-/ADCunits)
INTGAIN =                    4 / integrator (controller) gain
MAXLIN  =                30000 / NOMINAL max linear value (ADCU)
TEMPERAS=             -135.800 / detector-cryo temp. at start (deg. C)
PREFLASH=                    0 / detector preflash (milliseconds)
INTTIMER=                0.000 / integration time requested (seconds)
INTTIME =                1.000 / integration time (seconds)
DARKTIME=                2.230 / total dark current time (seconds)
HSTTIME = 'Tue Jun 13 14:43:57 HST 1995'
COMMENT = '        '
ZEROPIX = 'FALSE   '           / zero-valued pixels detected
RELEASE = '9402  '              / SOFTWARE VERSION

Tim Abbott,
Wed Jun 28 16:33:36 HST 1995